Example sentences of "to all the people " in BNC.

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1 World Environment Day will serve as a symbol of international ecological solidarity by bringing together representative groups who will draft a letter to all the peoples of the world with concrete recommendations for safeguarding the planet .
2 For more than 20 years in the House I have tried to be a friend to all the peoples of Yugoslavia .
3 ‘ It was a big shock to all the people .
4 Listen then to the message of the angel in Luke 2.10,12 : ‘ I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people
5 Parties seeking to rule a country should be accountable to all the people of the country .
6 for when every commandment of the law had been declared by Moses to all the people , he took the blood of calves and goats , with water and scarlet wool and hyssop , and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people , saying , ‘ This is the blood of the covenant which God commanded you . ’
7 The Labour government will make itself available to our friends in India and Pakistan to assist in achieving a negotiated solution to the problem of Kashmir that is acceptable to all the people of Kashmir — Moslems , Hindus and Buddhists .
8 ‘ XYZ ’ is the perfect kiss-off to everyone who raved against Moose in 1991 with such blinkered zeal , to all the people who sneered at shoe-gazing — a ‘ scene ’ defined , uniquely , by those who hated all of the bands they ill-informedly lumped together — for being one-dimensional and destined for a quick death .
9 Sadly nothing can be cone without ideas , and ideas need people to produce them , so I extend an appeal to all the people who may read this and pray that God might give each of us the sight to see where we are needed ..
10 How you act at work gives certain messages to all the people you work with .
11 When an ‘ insular ’ mother responds she is reflecting her total reaction to all the people she meets rather than that particular person ( Dumas and Wahler 1983 ) .
12 But I apologise to all the people who may be getting fed up with it .
13 Democracy is not liberty , equality , participation or an output satisfactory to all the people .
14 Whatever the best is , the Profitboss communicates it to all the people in his organization , using keyline statements to get the message of " the best " across in simple terms .
15 I mean , schools the only thing I was , I 'd been governor of a a school for thirty years that was used to depress me with the fact that we could n't get for our schools the things that we needed because to me and to all the people in Harlow who have children are concerned that we are being stopped so much money on education which is the most vital thing in our children 's lives !
16 It 's taken me months of physio to learn to walk properly again , and I 'm very grateful to all the people who helped me .
17 Although I had now done a few television interviews , I was still a relative novice and there was so much that I wanted to get across to all the people watching .
18 These restrictions limit your ability to get information out to all the people working on your project , and undermine the program as a whole .
19 Hector called to all the people , " Come and share my treasure trunk , " And all the silly sightless people Came and looked … and called it junk .
20 You know and immediately can you see , you 've asked him all these questions you can see what a pain in the neck you are to all the people you 've asked these questions of .
21 On the other hand , Article 10 of the 1977 Soviet constitution stated : ‘ The foundation of the economic system of the USSR is socialist ownership of the means of the production in the form of state property ( belonging to all the people ) and collective farm and cooperative property . ’
22 It is an insult to all the people who made the submissions for the Secretary of State to suggest that all those professionals are accepting misleading statements and that the quality of their submissions is not as good as those of the handful of people in favour .
23 It is the responsibility of the regional ambulance officer to deliver that standard to all the people living in his district .
24 It gives a clear and very welcome signal to all the people in Northern Ireland of their determination to find a political solution .
25 The benefits of this legislation and the protection it affords should be available to all the people of the city . ’
26 " I 'd really like to mail a follow-up letter to all the people who sent bought more than £50 worth within 3 weeks of sending out the last brochure . "
27 Not according to all the people who phoned in afterwards .
28 " Space belongs to all the people of the world and should be used for the benefit of all humankind , " said Senator Jim Jeffords of Vermont as he introduced the bill .
29 Now you you live in the catchment area of that particular company , how would you like to er , how would you like to participating in that particular company 's brochure which is handed out to all the people in your catchment area ?
30 ‘ He gives jobs to all the people in Santa Barbara , and he looks after their health also .
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