Example sentences of "to this [verb] [been] " in BNC.

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1 My movements up to this had been quite natural , and if I could continue to make her think I was unaware of her presence , she would possibly give me a second chance .
2 There were stringent language qualifications for citizenship applications , and objections to this had been raised by the Russian Democratic Movement in Estonia ( RDME ) .
3 It is alleged that by 1989 30% of the world 's tropical sawlogs in trade were from the Malaysian state of Sarawak , where forest was being lost at a rate of 3 ha per minute and the resistance of the local Punan to this had been contained .
4 Linked to this have been a series of vigorous campaigns against paedophile organisations , including the use of the conspiracy laws .
5 The events leading up to this have been much studied in the development of the Dipteran puparium , in which the quinones apparently arise by oxidation of a phenolic substrate N-acetyldopamine , itself derived from tyrosine ( Karlson and Sekeris , 1966 ) .
6 Two of the most important exceptions to this have been works by the cultural historians , T. J. Clark and Carl Schorske .
7 ‘ NASA 's approach to this has been an engineer 's solution , ’ complains Smith .
8 It is by this inclusion also of other similar weapons that states have accepted that tear-gas is banned ; the only exception to this has been the USA , which did not in any case ratify the Protocol until 1975 .
9 One political response to this has been to attempt to reinforce the role of the family as the primary carer , and to identify why some families appear throughout generations to be unable to solve their problems without recourse to public assistance .
10 The exception to this has been the work of Women 's Aid groups and the National Women 's Aid Federation , who have consistently and successfully f ought for battered women 's rights to housing in cases of domestic violence .
11 One response to this has been to challenge the position of the majority in the province by suggesting that it is not the population of the province who should decide the issues at stake but the population of the whole of Ireland .
12 The background to this has been the decline of private renting as a consequence of slum clearance and the transfer of dwellings to owner occupation .
13 A major factor that has contributed to this has been the process of acquisition , by which firms get taken over and merged into larger companies .
14 The solution to this has been not to build even more houses to relieve the upward pressure on rents and prices but to impose even more stringent controls — conservation areas , village ‘ envelopes ’ and so on .
15 An encouraging start to this has been made in the recent establishment of the Churches ' Initiative for Music Education ( CHIME ) .
16 One effective solution to this has been to identify elements of maintenance that can safely be put into the hands of the users .
17 Coupled to this has been careful control over costs .
18 A major contributory factor to this has been excise duty discrimination against spirits , particularly that in favour of imported wine .
19 Linked to this has been mounting rates of forest loss .
20 No , Chief has n't set any questions , erm , the other change to this has been to remove the fire 's special interest and we 've put in as a separate paper , so that we can bring them up to date .
21 Counterposed to this has been an anti-scientific trend which , disturbed by the alienation and military disasters of industrialism , has dreamed either of a pastoral world of decent craftsmen in harmony with nature or posed the nightmare of dystopias .
22 The rooms , erm we 've tried to this has been a bit tied up since the broadcast , we 've tried to have it fairly cluttery so that kids for instance if they 're not used to sheep , can come and come and have a sniff of of of er you know .
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