Example sentences of "to at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rigid plans that only work if they are adhered to at every step rarely provide the means for getting back on target once a significant deviation has occurred .
2 And even if one wanted to at a bird observatory , one would find it difficult to lie in .
3 How sad that Puddephat 's widow should have no one to turn to at a time like this .
4 In complex cases have a strategy section that you can refer to at a glance which includes any plan of the case .
5 The VOR flag will change from FROM To at the Abeam position …
6 Lear was also subject at the hands of his employer to even more glaring misacknowledgements : in what could generously be described as an insensitive oversight , four of the plates in Birds , are referred to at the bottom of the page as being ‘ drawn from Nature and on Stone by J & E Gould ’ , while the style of the bird and the signature on the drawing itself are patently Lear 's .
7 And … me , come to at the junk room window , kneeling , elbows on the sill , neck wet , chin slick …
8 I am also writing to at the South Side Association to notify her of the developments .
9 Erm one of the things I picked up off the course is , technically every training course that we have , should be written in a way that that identifies erm Unit two point four I 'm on to at the minute . .
10 A list of insolvency practitioners ( ie solicitors with special expertise in the field of insolvency and approved as such ) may be referred to at the Law Society 's Hall , 113 Chancery Lane , London WC2A 1PL ( Tel : 01–242 1222 ) .
11 Once again it 's just superb hearing it booming from those religious-like boxes that we all pray to at the weekends .
12 It was when I married him that we bought this house here , just to escape to at the weekends , you know .
13 It was Ramses , the civil servant from the Ministry of Finance whom he had talked to at the Consul-General 's reception .
14 These were the two sides of the same coin which I referred to at the beginning of this essay , the nature — culture opposition and the particular characterizations and choice of emphases here explored being one explanation for the apparent gender differentials in blood within Jewish ritual practice , and one link at least between the rite of circumcision and menstrual taboo .
15 Those referred to at the beginning of this chapter , the dieters who think they ca n't shed weight on 1,000 calories a day , almost invariably belong to the can't-get-away-with-anything group and are not following the essential rules of calorie counting sufficiently strictly .
16 The " ideal " referred to at the beginning of this chapter is of marriage in which fidelity between partners is maintained from beginning to end .
17 I have also enclosed a few of the papers I referred to at the beginning of the meeting , plus a travel claim form which you are welcome to use .
18 And in fact nineteen ninety three is really something of a pivotal year because according to at the beginning of ninety three probably something like forty percent of new applications built using the client server model .
19 The thing that you you have to remember , which you tend not to at the beginning is that Ceefax is B B C for instance , so on one and two now if you change channel if you 're on teletext and you want to go onto Oracle which is on three
20 ‘ Rusty 's a delight to work for , and it 's a stunning contrast with what I was used to at the Victoria and Albert Museum ’ , says LACMA 's decorative arts curator Martin Chapman .
21 I ai n't one of them niggers to be sold like they used to at the Trow . ’
22 ‘ After 10 years of employment legislation focused on what unions and their members may not do , the Government would do better to spell out the positive rights it believes trade union members are entitled to at the workplace . ’
23 In the article referred to at the outset , Susan Sontag remarks that camp ‘ is a solvent of morality .
24 In those circumstances , it was hardly surprising that the judge found the two appellants in contempt and made the order referred to at the outset of this judgment .
25 He finds it sad that the USM and fund markets have not developed in the way that they were expected to at the outset .
26 Mm , I think we need to call , we get , get a builder in because we need that , that roof seeing to at the back .
27 Of course , over the years we 've campaigned , as I was telling someone only yesterday in another club that I go to at the church , that I said you know we , the Co-op Womens ' Guild , were helping to put water into Africa before any of this Band-aid and Live-aid was thought about .
28 be seen to at the eye hospital , Sir John said in January I 'll send you to Altrincham because they have a specialist , go to the , like they have one go to the Cottage , each , a different like a skin one day , summat , so like you 're there and you 're not traipsing for the eye hospital
29 Miss Ellis ' eyebrows launched into the twitchy dance they always seemed to at the mention of the words , ‘ my mother . ’
30 Looking back at these different sets of theories ( outlined in sections 5.3.2 , 5.3.3 and 5.3.4 ) , consider how each of them might explain the restructuring of local government ( discussed in Chapter 4 and referred to at the start of section 5.3 ) which took place in the 1980s ?
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