Example sentences of "to you [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 What was the erm the employer 's attitude to you unionizing and organizing and
2 In summary : ‘ I explain what I think of your performance but after that it 's up to you to respond and I 'll listen constructively . ’
3 If you wait five years it gets slightly steeper so the force to you becomes that and so on and so forth , forty five fifty and you can see at fifty five if you want to retire at a certain age er what 's the age that you actually want to retire ?
4 Your imagination is possibly one of the greatest gifts you possess and it is up to you to cherish and improve it .
5 It was up to you to see that you were justified .
6 So it is up to you to see that this does not happen , by creating circumstances in which they can continue to develop their relationship ‘ which his mother has every right to expect to be an on-going one , even in her old age .
7 Matilda stays where she is and it is up to you to see that she behaves herself . ’
8 I am writing to you to ask if it is possible to obtain drawings , designs and or working instructions for making what is known as a Steamer Chair .
9 I listened to you listening till you cut me off .
10 Were lucky to you go and lo look round anywhere else , no where like Sanders
11 Oh right I I was just thinking of sort of trying to you know cos he 's in his second year now for the
12 But , yeah cos I can never see what he 's doing to you know and I think oh standing out
13 Any further questions there about er the benefits if you were actually to you know if you were to die whilst employed in reckonable service ?
14 Between now and Sunday it 's down to you to decide that you definitely want to go ahead and be confirmed .
15 ‘ Well , it would be entirely up to you to decide whether that really is the best way to go about solving this problem .
16 Rather than stage a formal encounter using either of these groups , we leave it to you to decide if — and how — to deploy them .
17 but it also enables to you to eat and breathe at the same time .
18 We 're running out of time as usual , so if I can just come to that final line to you to consider and give me some views on them before you go .
19 ‘ Did it never occur to you to knock before you came barging in ? ’ she demanded .
20 I know that father he used to you see if he was going away from the island
21 But well Evelyn was asking me about reading and writing but first of all she asked did we still go to you see and I said no I sa we s I said we decided it did n't suit him .
22 I asked , ‘ How much did it mean to you to know that people at home were working for your release ? ’
23 I come to you to know if it is true that you hold him here in your charge . ’
24 But if she thinks it 's worth the risk , then it 's up to you to try and contain that risk — make sure there 's nothing to trip over , and that someone who can react quickly is on hand to give tactful support where necessary .
25 You would just say things that pop in to you mind and er it 's essential of course , if you 're gon na do dream analysis properly , that you must obey that rule .
26 I urgently need to talk to you to ensure that you are happy with this proposal .
27 You are running this council and it up to you to ensure that you do not create employ because if that is what you 're admitting to you 're
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