Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] are " in BNC.

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1 The two pieces of knitting to be joined are replaced on the needles .
2 The two pieces to be joined are replaced on the needles with the right sides of the fabric together .
3 Insufficient because it does not provide what law has to offer , which is first , an authoritative means of deciding what the rules to be applied are : second , an impartial method of applying those rules to particular circumstances , and third , a way of marking that the rules and resultant decisions are binding or non-optional on the parties .
4 Transport was a major consideration in the choice , as about 60 per cent of wastes to be treated are expected to come from British Nuclear Fuel 's nearby Sellafield plant .
5 Her claims to be heard are based on her spiritual topic matter and the historical accident that she writes at a time when she believes more has been revealed about the divine and therefore she possesses ‘ more information ’ than previously .
6 Make sure that parts to be maintained are easily accessible , to cut down on repair bills in the future
7 Among the local gigs to be cut are ones in Farnborough and Aldershot .
8 Among the more well known varieties to be threatened are the cep , the chanterelle and the wood blewits , all of which are prized as culinary delights .
9 The NVC for weeds was not available at the time of writing , but two named communities which are likely to be recognised are :
10 Other named communities which are likely to be recognised are :
11 The words that are to be recognised are spoken into the system one at a time and the resulting information is stored as a ‘ library ’ .
12 I take it that these are essential to capitalist society and that what has to be explained are their precise bases , their degree of effectivity and their often largely unintended consequences .
13 In the work at Daresbury the atoms to be studied are created in nuclear collisions produced by an accelerated beam of particles from the NSF .
14 Firstly , the results may simply be due to chance since a search for clusters is likely to reveal some spatial aggregations of cases even if there is no causal explanation : this is particularly true if the age groups , areas , calendar periods , and diagnostic groups to be studied are not specified in advance .
15 But so far as the confusions about to be examined are concerned , it does not solve the difficulty .
16 The activities in which citizens are to be engaged are to be far removed from any levers of real political power .
17 The bodies that will come together to be unified are the Joint Board for the City and Guilds of London Institute ( CGLI ) , the Business and Technical Education Council ( BTEC ) , and the Royal Society of Arts ( RSA ) .
18 In consequence , the only land-living creatures likely to be fossilised are those that happen to fall into water .
19 Materials to be covered are cuprate and non-cuprate oxides , organic metals and superconductors , fullerenes and other new materials .
20 The areas to be covered are the Cable Corp in Windsor and Middlesex , Newcastle , London South , Cable London , Avon , Edinburgh , and the Thames Estuaries .
21 Topics to be covered are : Developing a Communication Strategy , Analysing Audiences , Media Selection , Mass Media and Small Group Communication .
22 The main areas to be covered are inter-generational transmission of advantage , marriage , friendship , income , education , home and car ownership and , to a lesser extent , attitudes and beliefs .
23 It also follows that in looking at whether to call in , Ministers do not consider the planning merits of the proposal , but only whether the kind of issues that need to be decided are more appropriate for consideration in a wider than local context by the Secretary of State .
24 Museums not to be missed are the Royal Scottish Museum in Chambers Street and the National Museum of Antiquities in Queen Street .
25 The main sectors to be supported are tourism , fishing and manufacturing ; between 1965 and 1974 , each of these was allocated about £5–6 million , while by contrast , only about £2 million was spent on agricultural projects ( Gilg 1976 ) .
26 Fourthly , in setting out the contract which may be oral or written , the activities to be undertaken are sorted out into individual tasks , and allocated between the worker and the client .
27 Under the new Extra Statutory Concession , the conditions for a blanket election to be accepted are that the firm must have at least 50 partners ( or fewer if at least 20 partners are not resident in the UK ) , and new partners must add their names to the election .
28 Lack of sites and the resulting conditions in which children have to be raised are primary factors impeding children 's development and creating their ‘ need ’ .
29 The children to be assessed are divided into six age groups .
30 According to the Popperian position , the observation statements that form the basis with respect to which the merit of a scientific theory is to be assessed are themselves fallible .
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