Example sentences of "to a [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Indifferently as Orrell , who came south in third place and with a match in hand , played , Wasps ' victory by a try , two penalty goals and a dropped goal to a try and two penalty goals was fortuitous .
2 Myself and English , as she is taught in schools , came to a conflict and gradually to a more and more friendly agreement through the necessity of writing long letters daily to one who was neither a schoolboy nor an elder , the subject of the letters being matters concerning nobody else in the world .
3 While the parties , and hence third parties , to treaties and international proceedings may be readily identified , it may be more complex to identify the parties to a conflict or dispute .
4 Furthermore , the perception of such goodness requires a posture of submission on the part of the student of English : " His discipline , like that of all disciplines , will lie in a willing submission to a master or masterpiece . "
5 ‘ 143(1) On an application for an order under section 18 of the Act made in respect of proceedings in the Supreme Court ( except proceedings on appeal from a county court ) or in the House of Lords , the court shall not make an order forthwith , but may in its discretion — ( a ) refer the application to a master or registrar for hearing and determination ; or ( b ) adjourn the hearing of the application ; or ( c ) dismiss the application … ’
6 If the second reminder produces no result or the reply to either reminder seems to indicate the need for court intervention the matter will be referred to a master or district judge , who will have the power to issue a summons for the solicitors of one or both sides to come and explain matters .
7 When mains drainage or a private drainage scheme is not available , drainage to each individual property will need to be either to a cesspool or a septic tank .
8 On the other hand a Stony Stratford shoemaker 's connexion with agriculture was limited to a cow and ( possibly ) a white horse ; his sideline was petty capitalism , if not simply money-lending , for his assets , totalling more than £28 , included £18. 1s. 8d. owed by seven different persons .
9 It may help your understanding if you look upon CALL as the machine code equivalent to a PROCedure and USR as the equivalent to Function .
10 I also went to a theatre or two in the West End on quiet nights .
11 Again the élitism in the department is largely symbolic , for although detectives talk continuously of their special knowledge of the world of ‘ prigs ’ , and despise the uniform branch as ‘ wollies ’ , often it is the uniform ‘ polis ’ who responds to a call and effects the ‘ capture ’ , after which the detective moves in to ‘ squeeze him dry ’ .
12 On one occasion , they locked her in the car when they went to a call and wound up the window to prevent her overhearing .
13 Even officers in cars with mainsets can spend several hours without responding to a call and without finding something to do on their own account .
14 Mum would tell us things about her childhood , and then come to a bit and just shut up .
15 Although trenches had been constructed on a limited scale in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–5 , they became a significant factor in warfare only in World War I. By the end of 1914 , the conflict had developed into what amounted to a siege and both Allied and German soldiers dug trenches to protect themselves from enemy small-arms and machine-gun fire .
16 This occupation was clearly contemporary with the fort , but it is uncertain whether it belongs to a vicus or a military depot .
17 In the afternoon we went to a barbecue at our son 's house , and then , after a shower and a rest , we were off again to a buffet and reception in the town hall .
18 It is pitiful to see the agony of a naïve dog that has nosed up too close to a skunk and been sprayed in the face .
19 Again , if you find you arc always walking back and forth to a larder or pantry , or to shelves at the other end of the kitchen , a storage trolley or cart which you could wheel up when necessary should help .
20 Reproachfully , Rosa dipped into the deep pot of olives and served a scoop of the waxy jade pebbles on to a dish and set it near Tommaso .
21 certain words or acts can , as a matter of law , be interpreted only as amounting to a dismissal or resignation ;
22 Consider a common situation ; a manufacturer sells a number of his products to a wholesaler ; the wholesaler sells some of them to a retailer and the retailer sells one of them to a consumer .
23 You go to a seminar and say ‘ Listen , they do n't eat this kind of thing ! ’
24 Only a tiny percentage of students I have ever met have been to a seminar or a lecture .
25 They came to a clearing and Nicky slumped on to the trunk of a felled tree , shaded by the overhanging branches that almost covered the space it had made .
26 Go through it to a track on the edge of the wood which then forks left up away from the edge of the wood to a clearing and then on to a second gate .
27 You know but I mean when it comes to a screw and your , I mean we 're talking about coming like this to undo the screw .
28 ‘ If it gets to a crunch and there is a vote , I win , ’ is how he puts it .
29 Continue up to a roundabout and Hawthorn Close is the cul-de-sac on the right hand side .
30 The indictment ended months of secret negotiations between Weinberger 's lawyers and the prosecution team , who had reportedly sought to persuade the former Defence Secretary to plead guilty to a misdemeanour and to provide evidence concerning Reagan 's role in the cover-up of the Iran-contra scandal .
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