Example sentences of "to him [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 SO MANY have praised Graeme Hick that there must be more to him than has been revealed .
2 ‘ He was set upon by a police officer who simply wanted to speak to him but had no right in law and the appellant had the right to resist him , ’ said Mr Macdonald .
3 He said Mr Morgan , contacted by radio , acknowledged the fighters belonged to him but said they acted without his orders or consent .
4 He said he was pleased about the help offered to him but stressed to sister that he regarded the need for help as temporary : " Until I 'm really back on my feet again " .
5 I was introduced to him but did not linger to prolong our acquaintance .
6 When Florey came to the chair of pathology at Sheffield a year or two later , Paine mentioned the matter to him but aroused no obvious interest .
7 ‘ You 're so lovely , ’ she said , not listening to him but sliding her hands hungrily down his flanks .
8 There was a core of hardness to him that prevented him from ever responding to her .
9 In other words , there was a side to him that worried her , because she could not understand it .
10 Now if I 'm presenting my centre line to Tony and speaking to him that feels fine yeah , but if I talk to you Dave over my shoulder like that I mean how does that feel ?
11 He looked bewildered , but the whole afternoon must have seemed so unbelievable to him that hopping into a boat would seem to be all of a piece .
12 Ask , and it shall be given you ; seek , and ye shall find ; knock , and it shall be opened unto you ; For every one that asketh receiveth ; and he that seeketh findeth ; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened .
13 There was something about being too close to him that made her uncomfortable .
14 Those who would like to check the validity of this view can see his portrait in the church at Arona or , more spectacularly , visit the colossal statue to him that stands a little to the north of the town .
15 You should have said , the tap 's nowt to do with us it belongs to him that has the garage !
16 He that seeks , finds , to him that knocks it will be opened .
17 To him that hath not
18 To him that hath shall be given ’ was a truism of early medieval society .
19 Afterwards I have to go to the Headmaster and explain to him that running off with the papermate was all a joke and could I help it if people had no sense of humour … ?
20 Before she could make another move , his mouth covered hers and he gathered her so tightly to him that making any move was impossible .
21 He heard Hugo 's voice , saying lines of poetry to him that remained with him still : he came to a decision , and wrote to him .
22 Indeed , he even had a buccaneering moment when it seemed to him that to have a choc-bar himself would do the trick of making him exactly like her .
23 There is no easy answer , for the Spirit blows where he wills , and man can neither prescribe to him nor control him .
24 She neither yielded to him nor attempted to pull away .
25 The idea of marking the site of Liddell 's grave at Weifang in China , and establishing the Foundation came to him while researching a book on Liddell .
26 Half time came and the fans artound me were a bit pissed off because a ) Leeds were n't actually playing all that well and b ) Rocky was nowhere to be seen ( ironic when you consider it was his picture on the front of the program along with an interview where he said Wilko came to him & said ‘ you 're in the team , just go do it ’ — or something like that- ) .
27 I felt not so much introduced to him as invaded by him .
28 Mr Brown refused to say how the papers had been shown to him or to disclose their further contents .
29 If you want to cheer him up , write to him or kiss the chap , the male frog ( 22 ) awaits your letter .
30 Proof of debt forms must be sent out by the official receiver or trustee to every creditor who is known to him or identified in the statement of affairs ( r 6.97 ) .
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