Example sentences of "to him the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So he ordered to be brought to him the finest silk cloth and brilliant threads , and made for pleasure what he had once needed to make for harsh necessity .
2 If so , would you kindly forward to him the tiny little package ?
3 He had even provided , as an antagonist to North , a fictional member of the NSC , ‘ Aaron Sykes ’ , whose job it was to give flesh and voice to those invisible and voiceless colleagues who had presumably tried to dissuade North from what he was doing : to appear , as the Laws appeared to Socrates , ‘ humming in his ears ’ , about the offence he would cause to country , friends and laws if he did what seemed to him the right thing .
4 To him the divine character of Christianity was vindicated not by its reasonableness but by the very fact that it was the kind of thing no ordinary mind could have invented .
5 This incident brought home to him the great contrast between his father 's uprightness and the godlessness of those who sneered at him .
6 He crossed to the library and entered , assailed at once by warm memories of the man who had been to him the nearest thing to a father .
7 Her heart had been lost to him the first moment she had set eyes on him .
8 With a broad smile , he explained , ‘ When I was talking to him the other day , and I happened to mention that an old friend of my sister 's was coming to Ireland , and that I was going to show her round Dublin , and that we 'd agreed to meet here , and about how scatty … ’
9 Even Terry Lewis hinted at it when I spoke to him the other evening .
10 Yeah he do n't eat too many he likes he like they but he wo n't erm I had to say to him the other night .
11 you said to him the other night .
12 I said to him the other day , well four weeks ago .
13 But like , Mr really really bad like maths teacher , he goes erm he goes to , she goes to him the other day oh you 're only picking on me cos I got ginger hair !
14 I said to him the other morning I said do that again I said look , I 'll get you out of bed .
15 Cos we said to him the other day how much is so and so Jonathan ?
16 He has us in fits and the funny thing was we were sat listening to him the other night , all having us dinner , we 're sat at table and it was ever so quiet listening to him and he sort of erm he mimics the other bird
17 It was to hound and hasten Leonard 's waking thoughts , eliminate any residual interest he may have possessed in mere intellectual commitment , and open to him the stark reality of life downtown .
18 It is clearly inconsistent for one who calls Jesus " Lord " to think lightly of those scriptures which were to him the supreme revelation of God .
19 Ever to him the greatest mirth , content
20 He brushed aside all arguments of law , and concentrated on what was to him the central issue .
21 He was Otto I 's brother , and his biographer was not slow to apply to him the biblical phrase , ‘ a royal priesthood ’ .
22 To him the outside world , in particular Los Angeles and London , is humming with importance .
23 ‘ But when I see those stones here , and ponder — as I was doing when I so nearly precipitated myself upon you — ’ he laughed , gently , at his own folly and again rapiered a look to Miss D'Arcy who , in control now , returned to him the dreamy interest of the truly hooked — ‘ it was Egypt I thought on .
24 James had done training under Dr John Conolly at Hanwell , the Middlesex County pauper lunatic asylum , and to him the insane were the most pitiable of all human flotsam .
25 During his convalescence one of Larry 's colleagues , Professor Head , explains to him the basic principles of astrophysics , and it gradually becomes clear that the intra-personal death story is also a metaphoric transposition of the laws of astrophysics onto the dreaming or hallucinating mind .
26 I would hate to have to explain to him the true state of affairs .
27 If that is the case , I 'll talk to him the same way .
28 The CBI , the British Institute of Management and the Institute of Personnel Management have all put to him the same point about single-union agreements .
29 I 'll put it to him the next time he kidnaps me .
30 Although I realized that my faulty literary judgment was the occasion for his reaction — for he must have been well-accustomed to reading manuscripts of surpassing dullness — because when lie wrote to Wakefield-Harrey it was in firm but polite terms , which , since they were from Eliot , were to him the next best thing to commendation .
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