Example sentences of "to some people [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His trial appeared to some people to be merely a means to that end .
2 He gave the impression to some people of resembling a " senior civil servant " , as Lawrence Durrell put it , emphasized by his " impenetrable reserve " and " inscrutable courtesy " .
3 It is strange to relate that this short stretch of water should be such a barrier but the hills of Wouldham and village are as foreign to some people of Halling as any parts of the world and in fact there are some who travel all over the country and to some places abroad , but have lived all their lives in the village without ever setting foot on the further banks of the river .
4 Then people , for some ideological reason , people might say , well , you know , you ca n't say one form of communication is better than another , so that say , I do n't know , I suppose , a kind of feminist belief is better than Paradise Lost or something — well , it might be more acceptable to some people for various reasons , but I say some writing is more rewarding , ultimately some things are better than other things .
5 But there are other less obvious losses that happen to some people for which the grieving and mourning patterns are just as relevant .
6 Can we start to look at it this time from the benefits to some people in terms of travel and a quiet environment ? ’
7 I think he had been listening to some people in the dale who had missed out on the shoot and the money that went with it , and were critical , or pretended to be critical , of people who worked for Sir Emmanuel and the other toffs — maybe a bit left wing , although Stanley was n't a person who took any interest in politics .
8 I am glad that the hon. Gentleman acknowledges that the small corner shops which have been trading on Sundays — in many cases , outside the Shops Act 1950 — provide a useful service to some people in our communities .
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