Example sentences of "to [n mass] [art] day " in BNC.

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1 Vietnam 's economic collapse is held at bay only through massive aid from Russia amounting , by one estimate , to $3m a day .
2 Cash withdrawals of up to £250 a day
3 Cash withdrawals of up to £250 a day
4 Milk yields of up to 35kg a day in June were common , with an average of 25kg a day over the summer months , but the milk was not very creamy .
5 Users of the Dallam Centre , Warrington , are outraged by proposals to charge up to £5 a day for use of the facility .
6 Up to £29 a day secretarial allowance .
7 Henry VII granted annuities ranging from £126. 3s. 4d. to Thomas Lovell as constable of the Tower and of Nottingham Castle , through payments of £33. 6s. 8d. to his squires of the body , to 12d. a day for John Burwell , plumber .
8 From 16 centres , 268 patients were treated under double-blind conditions for six weeks with either clozapine ( up to 900mg a day ) or chlorpromazine ( up to 1800mg a day ) .
9 Should the worst happen and your company becomes one of the thousands going bust every year , London financial experts Coopers and Lybrand say the rate for an insolvency firm to wind up your business ranges from between £130 to £270 a day .
10 That would mean the SCU would almost certainly increase the players ' daily allowance , which was doubled for this tour from £5 to £10 a day .
11 Nuclear Electric can now generate extra electricity worth up to £200,000 a day at almost no extra cost .
12 In addition to any lump sum benefit you receive , Accident Cashguard will pay you up to £80 a day for each day you spend in hospital , as a result of an accident , up to a maximum of 100 days .
13 This does not mean that you have to pay a whole team of specialists anything up to £600 a day each .
14 From 16 centres , 268 patients were treated under double-blind conditions for six weeks with either clozapine ( up to 900mg a day ) or chlorpromazine ( up to 1800mg a day ) .
15 Once you have shed your surplus weight you will be able to increase your food intake , and on a normal quota of calories it is n't at all difficult to increase your dietary fibre intake to 40g a day just by becoming aware of the fibre-rich foods as you will during the following weeks .
16 When you are at home , you can draw up to £200 a day at Midland cash machines , provided you have sufficient funds in your account .
17 I guess i have to start watching these games again sometime soon — have nt seen them for years — i could relive the period — watching the games and sending out match reports to rec.sport.soccer the day after — 4 years after the events took place — sort of a madmans project i guess … but could have been — really — fun if i had the time ( ie no work & no wife/kid … )
18 Rachel , who was brought up by her grandparents on a Liverpool council estate , commands fees of up to £5,000 a day as one of the world 's most beautiful women .
19 Any time you want to spend some of your savings , just use your Saver Plus Card at our cash machines to withdraw up to £500 a day ( providing there is sufficient money in Saver Plus ) or transfer the amount you want back to your Current Account .
20 And we understand that he is paid up to £500 a day to carry out those services .
21 The company warns that it can cost up to £75 a day to hire a replacement car and if your own vehicle has to be transported home the bill is likely to be about £400 .
22 You can withdraw up to £50 a day as long as you have enough money in your account .
23 You can withdraw up to £50 a day from any of these machines with Route Seventeen card .
24 Tough action by police and customs in Britain and on the continent has smashed some of the biggest illicit labs , which can earn up to £250,000 a day .
25 Their expenses can be up to £126 a day , plus the cost of first-class travel from their home .
26 Only one deposit may be made and up to £300 a day withdrawn in cash from branches .
27 But failure to do so brings fines of up to $25,000 a day .
28 The cost ranges from £35 to £450 a day depending on the event and the intricacy of designs painted on the elephant 's forehead , trunk and ears .
29 It was about £400 to £450 a day to each member of the gang .
30 Their writings and lectures offer a vision of salvation for troubled businesses , and their presence at seminars and conferences guarantees a rush for tickets at anything up to £800 a day .
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