Example sentences of "to [be] take of " in BNC.

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1 For the present , in the daytime , he was abruptly fed up with the lot : himself , his insufficiency , the toll that his financial state seemed to be taking of his wife , and the colossally polite head of his stepson , hanging over him now as if it had a miniature keg of brandy around its neck .
2 Within a subject the system allows little note to be taken of the level or function of material .
3 Moreover , account has to be taken of the needs of other generations — of children and grandparents — which impinge upon their own .
4 After deciding to buy , I have the horse vetted by a very good vet , and ask for x-rays to be taken of the front feet and joints .
5 Optical fibre can be used to inject light into places which would otherwise be impossible — into a person 's body for example to enable photographs to be taken of the internal organs .
6 Full advantage had to be taken of the long daylight hours of midsummer and much of the ground could only be reached on foot .
7 The apathy of the people towards unemployment was one of the things that caused so little notice to be taken of it .
8 However , in attempting to ascertain the applicability of the model to other countries , in order to strengthen confidence in the results , it is recognised that instead of simply applying it to them mechanically , some account needs to be taken of prevailing differences in their industrial relations systems .
9 The Children Act 1989 is likely to require much more account to be taken of the children 's views and those of their parents and other interested parties , but it is a process which is still seen as difficult , and is less frequently carried out than is desirable .
10 Account also has to be taken of the distribution of investment between branches of industry and of the intensity and efficiency of capital use — though the latter is extremely difficult to measure .
11 The opening of relations had largely been dictated by the powers ' own interests in the East Asian region , but now the issues became far more complex ; account had to be taken of factors as diverse as Japan 's economic imperatives , the growth of Japanese military power and the emergence of national sentiment in response to foreign contact .
12 In the latter illustration consideration has also to be taken of social costs and benefits .
13 If he can be consulted , this should be done , but again full account has to be taken of his then capacity to make up his own mind .
14 ( b ) Where however the prosecution evidence is such that its strength or weakness depends on the view to be taken of a witness 's reliability , or other matters which are generally speaking within the province of the jury and where on one possible view of the facts there is evidence upon which a jury could properly come to the conclusion that the defendant is guilty , then the judge should allow the matter to be tried by the jury .
15 But otherwise , on the principle stated by Lord Lane C.J. in Reg. v. Galbraith [ 1981 ] 1 W.L.R. 1039 , if the prosecution evidence is such that its strength or weakness depends on the view to be taken of its reliability , the magistrate is entitled to act upon that evidence in deciding whether there is sufficient evidence to justify an order for committal .
16 In our experience it is often grandparents or other family members who bring up children when their HIV infected parents have died or are unable to cope : account needs to be taken of the pressure exerted within extended families in such cases .
17 If DCF is not used , account has to be taken of the cost of funds in another way .
18 For this reason , more on-line measures of processing have also been used to study inferences since this allows some measure to be taken of when inferences are made .
19 Applications must be processed Assuming that the company requires a range of different skills , the applications must be divided into groups according to their suitability for the different posts Some applicants may appear in more than one group , in which case some account will need to be taken of their preferences Managers involved in the selection process must choose those to be invited for initial interview .
20 A similar view needs to be taken of the external gravitational field of the black hole if this is carried by massless field particles ( gravitons ) analogous to photons .
21 As in other areas of financial modelling , most notably that of money demand , 22 the message from this study would seem to be that account needs to be taken of institutional developments in financial markets in moving towards the construction of plausible empirical models .
22 This means that the emphasis on modelling demand for fuels at the level of the individual household will , in itself be novel , and will allow account to be taken of the enormous variation that exists in household income , demographic characteristics and appliance stocks .
23 The estimated asking price will generally be given as a range of values , which will normally be wider than those associated with the valuation since account will need to be taken of the expectations of buyers and sellers of price reductions during the bargaining process .
24 If account is to be taken of what has been described as concern with the well-being of the system , then " the best way of earning public confidence is the most direct : to be clearly seen as doing a good job " ( Becher et al 1981:156 ) .
25 A corporate view , instead , has to be taken of the school 's comparison with others — and expressed in terms of measured attainment .
26 Contemporaries were well aware of this : " Were an inventory to be taken of household goods and furniture of a peasant or mechanic in France and of a peasant or mechanic in England , the latter would be found on average to exceed the former in value by at least three to one . "
27 None are to be taken of the flier , under any circumstances .
28 The Corpus of Knowledge has been updated in the intervening period , but it was clear that the insertion of the UK into Europe with free movement of labour , required a much broader view to be taken of the hospitality manager .
29 To arrive at a salary that produces no income tax liability above the 25% rate , account has to be taken of the revised reliefs to set against the salary .
30 In assessing the value of the action no account is to be taken of a possible but unadmitted finding of contributory negligence , costs or interest .
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