Example sentences of "to [be] a large " in BNC.

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1 Of these , the first , Type 1 , was the most important ; it was to be a large multi-engine landplane capable of flying from London to New York non-stop .
2 In many the class-rooms are simply partitioned cubicles in what used to be a large hall … .
3 The Gulf crisis brought to public attention the very large numbers of non-nationals working in the Middle East states , but there are also large non-national populations in the member states of the European Community and there is likely to be a large movement of people out of the USSR and the Eastern European countries into Western Europe now that the borders are relatively open .
4 It has the advantage of being tucked away behind the Munster — and there used to be a large car park there .
5 When he 'd gone , there seemed to be a large vacuum in the café .
6 A few minutes later we drew up at a big concrete building which the officer told me was the town jail but which seemed to be a large Luftwaffe barracks .
7 The view taken by the district on the relative importance of these two needs is likely to be a large influence on the competitive pressures faced by a given unit , as is the existence locally of other public or private providers and the number of GP budget-holders .
8 Although there was a facility for central storage of information , localised filing systems were also in operation , and there appeared to be a large amount of duplication .
9 That it was a Saturday morning had made his presence possible — he would not have accepted the invitation had it been on some date in the week — and carriages had already piled behind one another in the main street ; evidently it was to be a large party .
10 I supposed it would have to be a large tank .
11 In that case , the ship would want to be a large number of miles away before the mine was activated .
12 There may need to be a large number of meetings and discussions between the consultant and the client even after the candidate is appointed to ensure that things are running smoothly .
13 We made camp that night in a clearing in the woods , and I put up my tent in what appeared to be a large sandpit , in the vague hope that perhaps the mozzies might not like it .
14 There may be clear cut cases , but there is likely to be a large area where it is unclear whether something is a need or a benefit .
15 I had grown to be a large , lumpy sort of man .
16 The authors draw attention to what seems to be a large regional variation between rates of surgical treatment for glue ear .
17 There will , in particular , continue to be a large number of dementia sufferers in the geriatric services .
18 Most commonly , the units will only use family labour , but if wage-labour is employed , there is likely to be a large differential between wage rates in the periphery and those paid in the centre .
19 It proved to be a large specimen of amber worth £3,000 .
20 It used to be a large wooded area , a rich tropical forest with many species , including gibbons , macaques , tigers , panthers , wild boars , deer , bears and several kinds of pheasants , most of which are now rare in Vietnam .
21 The small government flat I had been expecting turned out instead to be a large if simple village haveli , occupied by Mr Postman 's extended family — his three brothers , their children and Mr Postman 's old mother .
22 Changing direction , she hurried towards the place , and found it to be a large open space , surrounded by little shops , their shutters closed now , but by the legends she could just see painted above their doors they were given over to trade .
23 But despite those structural changes , there will continue to be a large market for coal .
24 Nestling in her belly-button was what appeared to be a large diamond .
25 Directing the building of what appeared to be a large fortification , Ross was clearly enjoying himself as he laughed and joked with the children , as perfectly at ease in these casual , unsophisticated surroundings as he was in the cosmopolitan offices of a smart City boardroom .
26 She had no idea whether it was to be a large gathering , or just a few intimate friends .
27 A koliba turned out to be a large wooden chalet-type restaurant which in this case was set amid tall pine trees .
28 In particular , there is bound to be a large amount of work involved in buying a number of small annuities over the years and it may be difficult to get the appropriate advice at the time .
29 Municipal incinerators were found to be a large source of dioxins .
30 Warning , this is a government health warning , there is going to be a large bang .
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