Example sentences of "to [det] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Now this picture leads to few complications if the action is playing the piano or playing tennis …
2 The study revealed that growth of Asian businesses was confined to few areas and , although this had been rapid during the 1970s , it had been declining recently .
3 As soon as any of their number is reduced to half Wounds or below , they must all make successful Ld tests or break off combat and flee back to their cave .
4 They were not quite a secret society but certainly a network , not always trusted , not , indeed , acceptable to some bishops and in some livings .
5 Though in some ways Colin was quite close to his drivers — closer to some than to others — he was , in financial matters , something of a cheese-parer and though his sponsors were generally reasonably generous , even at the height of Lotus 's reputation he neither enjoyed the kind of largesse available to some teams nor , with his many other commitments and his fairly flamboyant life style , could devote all of what he did receive to his team .
6 The hut was home to some lizards and to the island 's one taxi driver who had sequestered it as his office and gasoline store .
7 In conclusion , I am advocating that , as the whole-school approach grows in popularity as a positive response to children with special educational needs , it is important that schools , as organisations , and teachers , as individuals , reject the segregationist policy towards disruptive pupils which might appeal to some teachers and government policy makers .
8 Forty years later , when viruses were better known and several people had attributed viral origins to some tumours and perhaps leukaemia , the paper was rediscovered .
9 Given the demands of the United Kingdom 's aging population and the tendency of health care costs to rise , it seemed certain to some doctors that governments ' policies in this area would contain an appreciable element of cost containment .
10 It may be able to detect the entire NCSA virus library , but it 's still oblivious to some viruses that have been common knowledge for many months .
11 In the first edition of this volume I pointed , optimistically , to some signs that this situation was changing slowly with , for example , the establishment of the Older Feminists Network in 1982 and the recent Age Concern/EOC joint initiative on incomes in old age .
12 So there was no place in therapeutics for lysozyme , but it had a more fundamental value : it showed that substances did exist which were lethal to some microbes and harmless to human tissues .
13 Once the linguist ‘ brings over ’ his formal abstract concepts into the cultural domain then , however much he protests that no ranking is intended , the attribution of such qualities as ‘ objectivity ’ to some languages and not others can not but have implications for ranking and for power .
14 I know there 's lads get eggs and butter and stuff from the farms , but everybody has n't got farms , and I could take you to some cottages that are well supplied with butter , sugar and cheese and what have you , that 's not from the farms . ’
15 Nevertheless , some important instruments of accountability to Parliament can be identified , although most apply to some quangos and not all .
16 The kit will be made available to some customers and other interested parties for around the cost of a day 's consultancy .
17 The kit will be made available to some customers and other interested parties for around the cost of one day 's consultancy .
18 The walk led to some greenhouses and what had once been a stable , now converted into a surgery .
19 Perhaps he is referring to some figures that were leaked a couple of weeks ago from the Industrial Development Board for Northern Ireland — a reference to 44 inward investment jobs .
20 To make the maximum contribution towards creating the commercially successful product — success in other fields is of trivial interest — engineers must face up to some questions that they may initially feel poorly equipped to answer .
21 But we hope it will raise some questions in your mind , and give you the answers to some questions as well .
22 We were showing off our handiwork to some friends but admitted we were puzzled by the bedding plants , grown from seed , which produced attractive foliage but nothing else .
23 It sought to improve the conditions of a Sept. 5 decree law , which had offered lenient sentencing to some traffickers and a more " discretionary " attitude to extradition .
24 The prolonged delay , coupled with low spirits caused by cold , squalor and exhaustion , naturally gave rise to some suspicions that East Germany might , incredibly , have reneged on its deal .
25 I went along to some services and again I saw how happy people were .
26 This very large accession takes up where the first deposit stopped , and covers the years 1861 to 1920 , in addition to some titles and papers of earlier date which must have been at some time extracted from their proper place .
27 Thank you Chairman , erm I 'm delighted to be the last person to present a set of budget proposals as it gives me the opportunity to draw attention to some facts that seems to have been overlooked by the representatives of the other two groups .
28 As for the glamour attached to some jobs and not to others : forget it , it 's a sham .
29 I do n't know I do n't know who Mr is referring to er Chair , but I presume you wish me to reply to some comments that came from across the other side of the room .
30 The opportunity and the time to just talk to some kids and sound them out … or y' know , listen to what they 've got to say — have the time to do that .
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