Example sentences of "to [det] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Prussia however had access to neither of these as a way of financing industrial change .
2 I did n't do much to that at all actually .
3 We well I 've no objections to that to that at all .
4 The second major issue which I believe had been used against the new settlement as a an appropriate Greater York area , is that it 's inconsistent with erm current recent central government planning advice , and basically the argument is that the proposals for the new settlement are contrary to er planning policy guidance notes three and twelve , and draft er P P G thirteen , if I can deal with P P G thirteen first of all , and the observation of Mr Curtis that the new settlement is a last resort , erm now I could find no reference to that at all erm in P P G three , or even a sentiment that at planning policy er that a new settlement should be regarded erm as a policy of last resort .
5 So we 're going to come back to that at several different points during the day or two , and lastly , bat and ball .
6 Well , certainly people are satisfied with where we 've got to and want to draw a line underneath it and move on from there , and I think the prospect of going back to the constitution er issues , and they m once again being a key focus , I do n't think anyone in the Party , or outside the Party , sees the Labour Party wanting to devote itself to that at this time .
7 Will the Secretary of State confirm that check-off already requires the prior written consent of employees and that , contrary to what he has just said , an employee can withdraw his consent to that at any time ?
8 Well eventually I think we 'll have to get to that to that standard .
9 We well I 've no objections to that to that at all .
10 Yes and the committee has to learn to adjust themselves to that to that to not worry
11 The mammalian process may not have been the safest way to perpetuate the species , but as the emerging man was , by virtue of the very nature of the evolutionary process , developing a body capable of the enjoyment of life to a degree equal to that of all other forms of life in total , he was restricted to what was biologically possible .
12 So the world of every creature is different to that of all others , sometimes greatly , sometimes by not so very much .
13 Consequently , this year 's lead pollution will add to that of all previous years so that its environmental presence increases all the time .
14 The statement noted the end of " long decades of European division " , and declared that " our own security is inseparably linked to that of all other states in Europe " .
15 Coupled to an external VHF aerial the 5.0W setting is capable of giving a useful range equal to that of many panel-mounted sets , but on test in the cockpit it failed to offer me much real advantage over the lower-powered units when all were used with the standard screw-on flexible antennas as supplied .
16 Again , although they and their families enjoy a standard of living comparable to that of many white-collar families , their social worlds are still to a large extent separate from those of the latter , except where linkages of kinship , or to a lesser degree of neighbourhood , can span the social distance between them .
17 The form of slave production and exploitation and subsequent colonial development of the West Indies has also ensured for most of the islands a fate similar to that of many modern African states : a form of ‘ peripheral ’ development in which individual economies are dominated by a very small number of cash crops , often the same as those cultivated under the original system of slavery , the income from which is dependent on world commodity prices subject to considerable fluctuation and open to manipulation by metropolitan powers ( Beckford , 1972 ) .
18 But this urban growth was not matched by commensurate development of a bourgeoisie comparable to that of many parts of the West .
19 In these respects , my teaching was similar to that of many other teachers working with low-attaining pupils .
20 Despite these powers , in many ways our hearing is inferior to that of many other animals .
21 In some other countries , such as the southern African nations , the situation has been similar to that of some parts of Latin America , but there has been more freedom in recent months .
22 In some other countries , such as the southern African nations , the situation has been similar to that of some parts of Latin America , but there has been more freedom in recent months .
23 Furthermore , three of the parlour ballad tunes and one of the comic song tunes contain pseudo-'folk' elements ; and two of the ‘ bourgeois ’ tunes derive from American minstrelsy and have a melodic style similar to that of some Anglo American ‘ folk ’ traditions .
24 In early recovery it is easy to develop the enthusiasm equivalent to that of some religious converts and this can be boring or oppressive to other people .
25 The chemical structures of isoniazid and Marsilid were , somewhat distantly , related to that of several of the amines known to be present in living tissues .
26 Genetic engineering makes it possible to join the promoter of one gene to that of another .
27 The usual view is that they are all suffering from the same disease and yet it is plain that there are marked differences between the reaction of one patient to that of another .
28 This reversal of the relationship between cue and reinforcer produced poor learning of the test discrimination , performance being retarded with respect to that of both the other groups ( Fig. 5.12 ) .
29 They say that the handwriting at the top bears no resemblance to that of any Press office staff .
30 The pope 's authority is superior to that of any other bishop , but the same rule applies also to him .
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