Example sentences of "to [noun prp] [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Sweden tried to take the first initiative only two days after the ending of the Maudling negotiations , inviting other states to send representatives to Stockholm to discuss how their trade policies might be better coordinated .
2 on an underground train which could n't decide if it 's going to move or not , it did eventually move I got a taxi at one point and I was so sick and tired and they put me outside Liberties , I gave the man a twenty pound note and he gave me change for a ten yes , coming back from Oxford Circus from Liberty 's , I thought I 'd better economise , I 've been done out of ten pounds , I do n't think it was dishonesty I think it was just sheer muddle , I , I 'm ten pounds down , I 'm must cut down a bit , so I will come back underground from Oxford Circus to Waterloo to get down to and you 've guessed it , I got into an , an underground train which would not move , it simply stuck , and it would go chugga , chugga , chugga , chugga , chugga , then it would stop in the tunnel for a while , while its .
3 We were told that indications of public concern over proposed development strategies were also influential on the WO and the SoS ( a clear invitation to CPRW to turn up the heat ) .
4 ‘ And send a good man to Dornberg to find out what 's happening in front of him . ’
5 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Antananarivo , Cardinal Victor Razafimahatratra , appealed to Ratsiraka to stand down .
6 When we chatted , Hastings looked as composed as if he 'd just spent the afternoon at his office rather than sending Wales homeward to Cardiff to think again .
7 and also the carpet companies in my constituency are now going to Germany to buy up their now redundant carpet making machinery precisely because German companies ca n't compete in the kind of regime that they are have imposed upon them .
8 His health , never very good , began to fail in 1851 , and in August 1854 , he proceeded to Germany to try out the mineral waters there , but died on 25th November 1854 at Cannstadt , near Stuttgart .
9 Councillors were flown to France to see a PWR in operation , to Torness to see how luxurious the workers , accommodation could be — an attraction to keep them on site and out of trouble .
10 She said that two Daughters of Charity are going to Romania to set up a training programme for nursing staff and care assistants .
11 In Issue 14 ( 1992 ) of the Winfrith Journal , Diane Halliwell from Finance asked Winfrith staff to donate food for her trip to Romania to distribute much needed aid and supplies .
12 Robin Child 's influence has gone far beyond the limits of the classroom and his Marlborough pupils : he has lectured widely , here and abroad , to teachers , art societies , art colleges , educationists , church audiences and schools ( some subsequently sending their own heads of department to Marlborough to see how it 's done ) on many aspects of art and art history , the philosophy of teaching and his own approach to it .
13 On his return on 19 November , he hardly had time to catch up with his unfinished business before he was off to Brussels to deliver yet another lecture .
14 Upstairs , Miranda pulled the bedclothes up to tidy the bed and patted the lumpy result , beckoning to Xanthe to sit down there ; there was n't anywhere else .
15 Benstede sighed and gestured to Corbett to sit down while he slumped , head on hand , on a stool near the table .
16 The Dalek ship is programmed to return to Kembel in spite of all their efforts to divert it , and it falls to Steven to hand over the fake core to the Daleks once the Doctor and Sara are aboard the TARDIS .
17 I had come to Uganda to observe how the women use music to give advice , support each other and express their need for political identity .
18 Duncan , at six feet eight inches , has a devastating service , and is now off to Texas to take up a tennis scholarship .
19 Police sent a five-man mission to Ecuador to bring back Evaristo Porras Ardila , the most important figure detained in the government 's six-week crackdown , according to the daily El Tiempo .
20 Court was established in the Kingston Sheraton , and an emissary named Scubba dispatched to Trenchtown to seek out those artists bearing Jumbo 's seal of approval .
21 Not very early , you can sleep in I 've got ta go to Waitrose to pick up the stuff .
22 ‘ So that 's why I 've come to Hambury to find out .
23 Eight years after her marriage to Robert Dudley , Amy Robsart , daughter of a Norfolk knighted gentleman , moved from Lincolnshire to Berkshire to take up the vast abode that her charming if rakish husband had provided for her .
24 They stayed with Kirsty for just under an hour , and it was a relief to Shiona to see how well she was looking .
25 So the arrangements were made with the White Star line and unbeknown to Nellie , Liam eventually did get two reservations on the new ship , which was brought down from Liverpool to Southampton , where most of the passengers got on , and then to Cherbourg to pick up some more and finally to Queenstown before crossing the Atlantic to New York .
26 Now it occurred to Alexei to wonder why no one had remarked on the phenomenon before now .
27 It occurred to Alexei to wonder how many people were party to the arrangement .
28 He was somewhat mollified to find that Armstrong was a cab and he could ride in the back and scowl at me , but he knew I thought it was a lousy idea going down to Brixton to track down Lewis Luther .
29 He wished AFHQ to make a formal request to Tito to ask how many of these surrendering personnel should eventually be returned to Yugoslavia .
30 Indeed , I may never complete it , now that we have to move back to England to sort out our difficulties there . ’
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