Example sentences of "to [pers pn] during [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The Scottish Division look forward to your company at Peebles and the National President , Steve and his lady , Doreen , hope to reciprocate the kindness and hospitality shown to them during their year .
2 Wellington , the Kiwi , never actually troubled himself to speak to me during his stay .
3 A point of interest to myself is that our driver , Howard Bounds , shared the next bed to me during my last stay in hospital .
4 Thank you and all my friends at the Women 's Institute for the lovely flowers , cards and letters sent to me during my illness .
5 Can you say what the best things are from your drama school experience and what has been of most value to you during your first year in the profession ?
6 The brochure continues : ‘ A lot of things will happen to you during your time with the Volunteers .
7 I shall contrive to write to you during my absence , to tell you what is in my mind and heart — and when in the summer we meet again , there will be further clandestine meetings , many joyful hours and reunions , I promise you .
8 One first-year student , whose father was a nuclear physicist , referred constantly to him during her interview , even on one occasion prefacing an answer with ‘ I know what my father would say … ’ .
9 It is always dangerous to draw individual implications from social and psychological survey-work such as this , but it does fit : Leonard 's admission of insomnia , of disturbing dreams and nightmares , his high sensitivity , his creative abilities ; not least his father 's demise and his mother 's need to attend to him during his frequent bouts of sickness before it .
10 Haslam also feels deprived of some of the cultural facilities that were available to him during his ICI days for entertaining customers and associates .
11 Perhaps he could do little else , but there is no mistaking the magnanimity of the spirit in which he wrote the following reply to one question which had been sent to him during his exile .
12 She was not unaware that Lorimer had warmed to her during her disclosures .
13 June had asked Hilda Lodge to thank everyone for the lovely flowers sent to her during her recent stay in hospital .
14 Sheldon had become much attached to her during his time at the Lock Hospital and it is said that she asked him to embalm her body after her death , which he did .
15 Will it only learn the song of its own species or will it learn any tape recorded song it may have played to it during its memorizing phase ?
16 I wholly agree with the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook that it would be inappropriate to oppose the Bill on Second Reading , but , like the right hon. Gentleman , I intend to look closely at what happens to it during its passage through the House .
17 I AM writing on behalf of the ships company of HMS Active , and in particular the Petty Officers ' mess , to formally thank the city of Liverpool for the excellent hospitality that has been shown to us during our visit .
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