Example sentences of "to [pers pn] as [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All comes from the Bible , which is offered to them as proof of the truth of what they are told , and gives them the impression that both extremes of behaviour are correct and righteous .
2 Similarly fixated is the dying man , known to them as Singapore Sling , who — in flashback — arrives at the house looking for his missing lover .
3 The companies often preferred slaves to white skilled labour and as a result slaves aspired to skilled positions which were later denied to them as freedmen .
4 The American geneticist Curt Stern was the first to distinguish between these two ways in which a change in a gene can alter the resulting structure : he referred to them as changes in ‘ prepattern ’ and in ‘ competence ’ .
5 Two major problems had to be solved ; Bethe refers to them as Part I and Part 2 .
6 Of the teachers we spoke to , two-fifths reported that they had rearranged their furniture , and well over nine-tenths of them had made some kind of change to their classrooms as a direct consequence of suggestions or recommendations made to them as part of the Primary Needs Programme .
7 The hunting , fishing and shooting which Diana detests will be held up to them as badges of manhood .
8 Y you refer to them as mile stone inspectors .
9 Josephus , who was present at the siege , refers to them as Sicarii .
10 Like many such groups , they have acquired a patina of legend : during the nineteenth century there were those who referred to them as Druid stones , others who thought they were of Roman origin , and yet others who asserted they must be the gravestones of Danish invaders vanquished by Banquo and Macbeth .
11 The crews later referred to them as basket-cars or shower-baths , from their open fronts .
12 Erm Colonel has supported very actively the current Three-Ninetieth Missile Wing like he supported us and he is respectfully known to them as Uncle Joe .
13 The great majority of consumers get their fuel on credit , in that they pay monthly or quarterly in arrears , though of course the cost of this credit is not charged separately to them as interest .
14 Black kids look to them as blueprints for their own development .
15 Mr Ryan said : ‘ We hope the success of sports personalities like Chris Boardman will be our success , and that young people will look up to them as role models who are against drugs . ’
16 A delegation of ten Nonconformist ministers even visited the bishops in the Tower on 10 June , saying " they could not but adhear to them as men constant in the Protestant faith " .
17 3 It hopes to allow , and induce , students to work at the pace best suited to them as individuals , rather than having to proceed at the standard class rate .
18 For humanities students , as for science students , the values that attracted them to a subject were values which were also important to them as individuals .
19 This was necessary to me as part of my approach to socialism , for before you can be sure whether you are genuinely in favour of socialism , you have got to decide whether things at present are tolerable or not tolerable , and you have got to take up a definite attitude on the terribly difficult question of class …
20 His secretary had come to regard lying to me as part of her job and even our friends lied for him , aiding and abetting my dick-led husband in a misguided effort to protect me .
21 He was assigned to me as armourer and tail gunner .
22 But what happened was , if a member of my branch had a complaint , he would come to me as secretary and complain .
23 Being ‘ in on it ’ , so to speak , had dissolved fear ; and death , for the first time , seemed as natural to me as birth .
24 And then we talked of more interesting things , things by now as familiar to me as legend , in a sort of litany , each speaking in turn .
25 Law , that is to say , is made valid by my experience of it , and not by the fact that it is presented to me as law .
26 Mysticism , in particular , is as meaningless to me as music must be to the tone deaf .
27 ‘ I went to class to meet friends , dancing was secondary and the social side was as much if not more important to me as competition . ’
28 For some time I was left standing at the counter but eventually one of four assistants came over , introduced himself to me as Mr Palmer and asked how he could help .
29 How much easier it would be if you could refer to me as Signor Sabatini , yes ? ’
30 But I must ask you to stop washing your hands in the Holy water , and please , please , do not refer to me as Mother Shapiro . ’
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