Example sentences of "to [pers pn] and your " in BNC.

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1 You know very well you should accord the French governor and his officials the same respect you show to me and your grandfather .
2 So both in your letter to me and your letter to Mr Deva MP , you are helping to keep the voice of public opinion heard , and I thank you for both .
3 The good news is that you can take steps to prevent heart attacks happening to you and your family .
4 Only when the children feel less threatened will they be able to relax , and it 's up to you and your husband to give them that security .
5 It 's all thanks to you and your mother . ’
6 Choose the one you feel is attuned to you and your needs — — this can often be judged by the number of relevant questions asked ; the more that are asked , the better he is likely to be .
7 But after failing to sway villagers attending the annual meeting , he allowed himself to comment : ‘ Well , all I can say is good luck to you and your children . ’
8 ‘ I 've listened to you and your sanctimonious blabberings for the last time !
9 When you face the world , your eyes are up-front — the first thing people notice , their clue to you and your cue to them .
10 ‘ It 's up to you and your managers . ’
11 Occasionally linen , holland or cerecloth would have been specially bought in for this purpose rather than sacrificing a useful item of domestic furnishing in an age when linen of any appreciable width was a luxury and worthy of bequest ( 'There are 4 very fine smocks in your father 's little linen trunk and one of my four breadth Holland sheets for your own girl Peg … and I desire your father that he will not let any of my household linen be sold , but that it may go to you and your eldest son and I hope to his son too , only some of my broderies of my own making give to your sister . ' ) .
12 This special low rate is available only to you and your fellow developers .
13 Call us on 01– or write to 1 Savoy Hill , London WC2R 0BP for a copy of our brochure and have over a century of experience available to you and your family .
14 The Cosmos Consumer Protection Plan cover virtually every aspect of your holiday , from the moment you pick up our brochure to the moment you arrive back home , and because we want everyone to know where they stand with us it clearly spells out our obligations to you and your commitments to us when you book a holiday with us from this brochure .
15 In his speech he said , ‘ May I suggest to you and your Council that you have the debate I suggested about the economic and environmental factors and then set out to provide leadership for the industry in reconciling these items . ’
16 Well that 's up to you and your parents .
17 And , as you heard from her own mouth on the telephone this morning , she is fine , though she refuses to come home to you and your wife . ’
18 All too soon , I regret , we shall be forced to say adieu to you and your distinguished father . "
19 Stop causing trouble to you and your family . ’
20 It 's I who should apologize to you and your brother — for what Maurice did . ’
21 The aim is to improve the choice of good quality services available to you and your GP .
22 ‘ It 's an invitation to you and your daughter to spend the coming weekend with me .
23 As we move into the Festive Season , our message to you and your partners is ‘ Thank You ’ you 've helped to turn an ordinary business into one filled with opportunity for us all to reap in the New Year .
24 Kind regards to you and your wife .
25 I rescued Anna from a crowd at Charwelton and brought her back here to you and your people — remember ? ’
26 Anna was the last subject Seb wished to talk about , but he said , ‘ She 's recovered consciousness and the doctor says she 's well on the road to recovery — thanks to you and your men . ’
27 We have n't found him yet , but thanks to you and your horse we 'll be going away from Witney richer than when we arrived .
28 Prior to circulating interested parties , we would wish to consider how the proposed deal might best be structured to yield the greatest post-tax return to you and your family .
29 Any other information , oral written , or in pictorial form including but not limited to material of a technical , operational , administrative economic , planning business or financial nature which may be provided to you and your Representatives ( as defined below ) during the course of your evaluation of the Company , whether provided by KPMG Peat Marwick , the management and employees of the Company , or the shareholders of the Company ( ‘ the Vendors ’ ) or their professional advisers .
30 All Information supplied to you and your Representatives and statements of fact in any reports prepared by you or your Representatives in connection with the purchase and sale of the Company will be deemed to be disclosed for the purposes of any representations or warranties that may be given .
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