Example sentences of "to [pers pn] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So these problems and similar ones to them are generally led to an abandonment I suppose , or a lack of interest in feat in a pure feature analysis view to how we build up and recognise objects .
2 Erm at that erm meeting members did er bring up a number of points er , the comments and questions which have been put to the Environment Trust and the answers to them are there on page ninety five under progress to date and , and on onto page ninety six er , the main ones really are the question as to whether er , any rented housing could be provided erm , in the scheme is dealt with there the Environment Trust only develop for sale or for equity share er , they 're not a housing association , they 're a charitable body erm so they did n't feel that they were able to er , take on the role of er , provided rented housing in the scheme .
3 Perhaps what the authorities need to consider in the few months available to them is just when a decision needs to be made .
4 Erm , she started really by , well th well there is two of them involved at the time , but they started by reading a book on the subject and really just talking to me about it certainly , because I mean they really did n't understand , you know because food to them is just food , you know it was just some meal they had to eat because they were hungry and they could n't understand why I had got this whole thing completely distorted .
5 I 've done that , cos what I 've said to them is well it 's , it 's too much for you to do all the extensions together .
6 It is therefore difficult to convince a farm worker 's wife , who may have to walk two miles down a muddy lane in the pouring rain to catch the Mondays and Thursdays only ( except Bank Holidays ) under-threat-of-closure bus to do her weekly shopping , that she has benefited from any improvement in the provision of rural amenities , when her access to them is increasingly denied .
7 They have subject limited statutory duties in the insurance companies act , but the fact they 're subjected to duties in the same way that the underwriters , the underwriters are subject to duties does not make them regulators , but in any event even if we were wrong on that there is no exemption under article eighty five , one for regulators and , and your Lordship has seen a number of cases and I sha n't go back to them is fully subject to the competition rules whether as a regulator or not .
8 Recording teachers teaching in order to play it back to them is sometimes loosely described as microteaching .
9 Medical complaints are increasing , but the response to them is still slow and convoluted — especially complaints against general practitioners .
10 Some companies provide services of a kind where the cost to them is very little .
11 Work to them is merely a way to earn a living .
12 They know about science from television and from their school teacher , and any other source of information to them is really beneficial to let them make a sensible decision .
13 Some parents ' reaction to the diagnosis is nullified by the additional diagnosis of some life-threatening physical condition such as meningitis or a heart defect , which to them is more distressing .
14 By seeking support for a set of values or beliefs , the social honour of the group(s) that adhere to them is symbolically affirmed .
15 INNOCENT RELATIVES Newspapers should avoid identifying relatives of persons convicted or accused of crime unless the reference to them is directly relevant to the matter reported .
16 According to Ali , the Ayasofya medrese was already a 60-akce medrese In Mehmed II 's time ; and it appears generally to have been the case that it and , from the time of Bayezid II , the medrese of Murad II in Bursa ( the Muradiye ) and , more particularly , that of Bayezid II himself in Edirne , completed in 893/1488 , ranked higher in the first half of the sixteenth century than the Sahn in the sense that the muderrises appointed to them were normally promoted from the Sahn .
17 The three climbers who originally passed the message to them were eventually traced , and confirmed that not only had they informed the Guardia Civil in person on the 21st , but afterwards had phoned each day to see if Jeremy had been found .
18 Lady Grubb 's invitations to them were always by letter , and led to a file of correspondence because she enjoyed making microscopic changes of plan .
19 The flies which on the previous day had been a nuisance to them were now a torment .
20 Brutally suppressed by bluecoats led by Rope Thrower , known to whites as Kit Carson , in 1863 , they had been out of the major Indian Wars because the Reservation lands given to them were so arid and dreary that even the white man did n't want to kick them off to somewhere else .
21 The days when Miss Logan 's fluent Italian had been of use to them were long past ; having begun the journey as guide and interpreter , she felt she had dwindled into a mere hanger-on , with little greater status than the discarded dragoman or the newly-appointed Kurd .
22 The consensus that emerged about the teachers who had mattered to them was neither that they were strict nor that they were liberal , but simply that they were interested in them as people .
23 The correct policy with respect to them was thus not to abolish them but to subject them to constructive supervision .
24 In terms of the ‘ demographic transition ’ it is a great puzzle to explain why the response to them was so late in a relatively literate , urbanized , and industrialized society where returns from children do not seem to have been plausible for a long time ( R. M. Smith 1981 ) .
25 Her appeal to them was more from the heart than the head , stressing the pain of being black in South Africa more than the broader strategies to be pursued .
26 But that to me is completely wrong .
27 Writing about the novel in 1 927 , Eliot stated that ‘ nearly every contemporary novel known to me is either directly affected by a study of psycho-analysis , or affected by the atmosphere created by psycho-analysis , or inspired by a desire to escape from psycho-analysis …
28 But in fact back to basics to me is rather like my kind of personal creed .
29 ‘ High art to me is just ineffective art — art that ca n't get an audience .
30 and that , that to me is just a waste of time , no I mean I 'm wasting their time and mine so
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