Example sentences of "to [pers pn] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Just four of the top names M & S , Sainsbury 's , Safeway and Tesco take half of its output and sales to them are rising by 10pc a year .
2 Those who secure the fewest votes in each successive count are eliminated , and votes originally given to them are transferred as in a full-scale STV election .
3 There are various procedural requirements applicable to a reduction in the standard number , including a duty of the proposer to publish details of the proposals and to refer the proposals to the Secretary of State if objections to them are raised by 10 or more local government electors or by the LEA or governors ( whichever of them is not the admissions authority ) .
4 Such questions are not only perennially interesting ; answers to them are presupposed by much of what counts as human knowledge .
5 Terminals that are connected to them are switched via the MD110 and other data traffic is directed via the Broadband Modules .
6 It is for the security force commanders to ensure that all the resources available to them are used with the maximum effectiveness .
7 Practitioners often feel that the number of methods open to them is limited , but as communications grow and change so new methods develop .
8 a good way to explain it to them is draw the graph .
9 Our knowledge and our moral values inevitably reflect and are marked by our own finitude and all its limitations , and to scale religion down to them is to sow the seeds of fanaticism and intolerance by giving them a more absolute standing than they properly deserve .
10 So far we have been concerned with trying to understand something of the general reaction people have to various forms of loss , concentrating on the reactions people will discover in themselves when they or someone close to them is dying or has died .
11 So what happens when family members or friends are told or understand that someone close to them is going to die ?
12 Because what they 're now doing to them is saying , unless you turnover two thousand prescriptions every month , we 're gon na do away with your Professional Allowance .
13 Scotland was divided into 5 regions and guides to them were written and published in 1935 or the following year .
14 The second to seventh defendants have complained to the ombudsman that such valuations made in respect of further loans to them were carried out negligently by an employee of , in the case of the second and third defendants , the Halifax Building Society ; in the case of fourth and fifth defendants the Woolwich Building Society , and in the case of the sixth and seventh defendants the Leeds Permanent Building Society .
15 The inside of Jotan 's house was constructed on three levels — galleries off the main building which were buttressed by huge timbers — and the open ends of each living space overlooked the central hall , although the stairways which gave access to them were concealed .
16 None of the second to ninth defendants appeared at the hearing but all the arguments available to them were put by counsel for the ombudsman .
17 Mr Aird said this suggested anti-monopoly reforms forcing the big brewers to reduce the number of pubs tied to them were working , but there was ‘ still a long way to go ’ before pubgoers felt the full benefit of increased competition .
18 In 1968 it was planned that field staff working in the north of England would be based in the new Scottish headquarters but later , the space originally allocated to them was given to the Marine Geophysics Unit .
19 To them was given dominion over the world , and all the created beauty of earth was theirs to hold as regents and stewards of God 's kingship .
20 To them was born another child , Malekith , who was to become the most hated of Elves .
21 A memorial to them was unveiled in St Andrew 's Church there 22 years ago , Mrs Marsden being then a member of the memorial committee .
22 The fact that the amount due to them was disputed meant that it was uncertain whether they had reached the point beyond which they might be considered trespassers by dealing with B and L's goods .
23 Two people who are planning to leave our organization , and the purpose of talking to them was to say , oh , what 's the problem ?
24 There seemed little alternative , with a woman whose reaction to them was to tolerate — and to laugh .
25 This convention , re-negotiated in 1980 and 1985 , provided greater aid to the Third World states , but its value to them was limited by the effects of inflation and the restrictions on agricultural trade with Europe caused by CAP .
26 To them was ordained the task of shaping the social matrix within which ordinary men had their being .
27 To them was ordained the sacred task of finding balance .
28 Shortly before the 1927 Cup final , a series of bars with a football tied to them was installed in the St John 's College training ground adjacent to the club , so that players could practise kicking at the bars and trapping the ball as it rebounded at awkward angles .
29 The first reference to them was contained in the Annual Borrowing Report dated 4 January 1988 .
30 America 's loyalty to them was going to be interpreted , the players insisted , as a token of its loyalty to allies everywhere : certainly to rebel groups in Asia and Africa , perhaps even , North thought , to NATO .
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