Example sentences of "to [pers pn] [is] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 What emerges from any comparative analysis of the tasks of curriculum planning and responses to them is that no one centre or unit can adequately accomplish them all .
2 I know they are saying ‘ she ca n't sing ’ but the important thing to me is that I know I can .
3 The MAFF view given to me is that a detailed assessment in England and Wales would be extremely time consuming and costly , probably taking eight years to complete .
4 And the question to me is that , where you have got a parliamentary system and where essentially you 're dealing with the backbenchers of the … government in power , can you deliver them ?
5 ‘ What this says to me is that the middle and upper classes are being taught how to control the machine , and the lower class is being controlled by it , ’ he said .
6 ‘ What I feel you are saying to me is that this previous relationship is something you do n't want to talk about in front of Tom .
7 I went and told them , ‘ One way or another , what 's happened to me is that I 've been burgled … ’ .
8 The worst of it all to me is that I never guessed anything .
9 have n't got the plan in What has just been pointed out to me is that the er smaller site , that is the one with Oakwood on it , which I 'm sure is familiar to er anybody present , that 's just opposite Skelton Manor and Court , and the larger site was the land to the east of Oakwood incorporating this much larger pond w with what appears to be an island in it , er running right up to the boundary of the conservation area , I think .
10 But what you 're saying to me is that there are six double O ones and
11 And yes , I know I 'm beautiful , if you say so , but what matters more to me is that I 'm a damn good nurse and I have something to give to these people . ’
12 All that matters to me is that this technology will save Carly 's life . ’
13 Erm , well what your mum and dad said to me is that he gets very worried , het up , really tensed about doing things , that 's going , you know , things that are gon na happen , like just driving down to a different place , er and he get 's himse himself so het up , so worried , he makes himself ill , I think that 's what 's happened
14 Miki saw it as a battleground : ‘ What gets to me is if there 's a woman in a band it 's quirky , it 's got a negative vibe to it .
15 In summary , the fee arrangement which you have proposed and which is acceptable to me is as follows :
16 Her kindness to me is because I 've expanded those Works .
17 The purpose of of these four orders , which I must say I greatly welcome , it is one of the , the most beneficial things to come out of the B C C I er disaster er and er i if I can say in in effectively in answer to everything the honourable gentleman for Great Grimsby said and he and I have debated on many occasions , if fact usually on the television not on the floor of the house , but er an an an an because of it for not quite so long either , er but erm th the point I would make to his is that really what he was saying was th that what went wrong with B C C I is that Price Waterhouse knew there was fraud and did n't say so and that wha what Lord Justice Bingham pointed out was that there is a clear conflict of interest between the interest of the client who they work for and the public interest and that what needed , what was needed was some amendment to the banking act to clarify that and that is precisely what er this order actually does and you ca n't really er Madam Deputy Speaker , expect anyone to really seriously criticise the government when in actual fact not only have they come up with the regulation to deal with that but they 've also gone further and said we will apply this to financial services and to building societies and to insurance companies as well , just to be absolutely sure .
18 My suggestion to you is that the only connection between them is basic human nature itself , namely that the heart of man is incurably evil .
19 All I can say to you is that if it is to be good news , it would give me more pleasure than I can say ; and if it is to be bad — I have gone through it , and Anne , and many others , and one does survive and go on , though you think you never will …
20 And then after a brief explanation , ‘ The only reason I write to you is that you warned me this would happen . ’
21 Our pledge to you is that we owe no allegiance to any manufacturer ( though we reserve the right to let their best brains entertain and inform you on these pages ) .
22 Whatever your scenario in December , what is being brought home to you is that you can no longer stand on the sidelines of your own life .
23 And er with that in mind , it 's possible that people do want to top up their income , because the one thing I will stress to you is that you do n't want to have to start having to back-pedal er when you retire .
24 What Steve is saying r recommending to you is that we do n't take up that purchase this year , which is in our budget .
25 I I know that you 're going you that that that you may suggest that er my view it 's not capable of being assimilated but I think the the the basic view I have to put forward to you is that it is not necessary .
26 Er what is necessary for me to also convey to you is that the theme that I was given today was one of forgiveness .
27 Andrew , is there a feature in this plan called waiver of premium , what these means to you is that if you 're off ill for a long period of time , through accident , ill-health , whatever , Abbey will actually still pay them for you , until you 're well again .
28 In the Covermaster Plan , Andrew , there 's something called waiver of premium , what this means to you is that if you 're off work through illness for a long period of time , Abbey 's going to pay the premiums for you .
29 The building materials side is primarily issues held by the er , the private sector and issue of the waste by factories is something which is the subject of er new er regulations which are often advice which is expected shortly from the Department of Trade and Industry and and we are awaiting obviously for that to come out to see what should happen and therefore our advice to you is that we should contin continue to keep these issues under review through the waste er advisory matter the waste er Planning and Policy panel .
30 So whi what I 'm trying to say to you is that you should have four sides of written text , whether it 's on two pages , three or four What I will do is go through the headings and give you a very brief description of that so that you know roughly what 's in them .
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