Example sentences of "to [noun pl] because [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 a much higher proportion of conversion students was available to employers because they were less likely to carry on their studies after the Advanced Course ;
2 Quickly that if what you 're saying is true that how that erm they wanted to er that they , they did n't care that this could lead to excesses because they could control of the situation , was n't that a bit damnable because supposing they could n't ?
3 I will see that happening , but it is the freedom of schools to choose that is all important , and there are some particular elements of expertise which are not available to schools because it 's not available centrally , and I believe that giving schools their budgets goes a great way to meeting this .
4 The Government wants to reduce productivity payments to dentists because it says they 're treating too many patients.The move has been described by one dentist as appalling.Richard Barnett reports :
5 The Government wants to reduce productivity payments to dentists because it says they 're treating too many patients.The move has been described by one dentist as appalling.Richard Barnett reports :
6 Presumably all this applies equally well to , to shops because I suppose you could link up the cash registers to some sort of stock control , so that you could almost keep a running total of what you , you have in stock as you erm punch the appropriate numbers up on the , on the till ?
7 These are the most interesting to fishkeepers because they occur mainly in tropical areas where rivers give high rates of sediment accumulations trapping pools and lakes of brackish water .
8 He wanted an assurance that the Dardanelles would remain closed to warships because he feared the possibility of a British or French attack on the southern part of the Russian Empire .
9 Beside the fruit house is another store , invisible to passers-by because it is not only comparatively tiny but also underground .
10 We do n't have to stay with plants , and for this stage of the argument it might be better to switch to animals because they have more obviously complicated organs .
11 ‘ It 's more and more difficult to sell the fruit to supermarkets because they 're almost asking for the impossible , ’ he said .
12 ‘ My game is suited to doubles because I return well , ’ he said yesterday , ‘ but my priority is to do well as a singles player . ’
13 The two-dimensional behaviour of electrons in the MOSFET structure was exciting news to experimentalists because they could test some of the unusual and potentially useful properties that theory predicted .
14 Risk is costly to individuals because it reduces their utility .
15 There 's been no problem matching clients to carers because I 've had a biggish pool to choose from — there 's been about 30 people on the register at any one time — and I 've only been using a maximum of ten at a time . ’
16 He went to funerals because he liked to think of people being dead in coffins .
17 Travis might be going to pieces because he thought Rosemary had finished with him , but , all too clearly , he did n't deep down believe that they were through .
18 It is an important point of reference to banks because it is probably the best indication to them of the cost of raising immediate marginal funds .
19 Do you cling to problems because you do not know what else to think about , and what else to discuss with friends ?
20 An alternative view is that s.64 is restricted to explosives because it falls within the part of the Act dealing with explosives .
21 An individualized approach based on a concept of efficacy can be sold to dischargers because it is ‘ scientific ’ .
22 Despite his reputation and the general theory that doctors were impervious to tears because they saw so many shed , I had noticed that the way our men reacted to weeping females depended mainly on their ages .
23 I wo n't mention back to basics because I know that 's really embarrassing for them
24 Other stories about Dic , Little Dick the Carpenter — how he never got to a rugby match because there were too many pubs on the way , how he was burnt all over in a pit explosion , wrapped in bandages so that only his eyes and nostrils showed through — and bathed slowly back to health by his daughters who poured olive oil over him all the time , how he took his daughter Cecilia ( Cis ) to eisteddfods because he loved to hear her sing but how she pleaded with him ‘ not to stop anywhere and not to leave her in the hall ’ .
25 As we saw , geographical conditions are of interest to historians because they put constraints on society .
26 The working class in effect delegates investment decisions to capitalists because they are better allocators of investment funds , especially in resisting the temptation to consume too much out of the current social product .
27 Author of Love Is n't Quite Enough — a study of male-female relationships — Dr Tysoe says , ‘ I have n't come across any evidence that shows older women are attracted to toyboys because they think they might be better in bed .
28 FoE does , however , have sympathy for businesses exposed to liabilities because they have unknowingly become owners of contaminated land that they did not themselves pollute ; as a result , for example , of buying land defiled by a previous owner .
29 No , all of Britain 's high street banks offer special rates and free gifts to students because they know that those in training and attending college are a , are the prospective workforce of tomorrow .
30 With the law as it is there may be some men who would prefer an adult partner , but who at present turn their attention to boys because they consider that this course is less likely to lay them open to prosecution or to blackmail than if they sought other adults as their partners .
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