Example sentences of "to child ['s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In addition they were stratified according to Child 's classification ( A or B ) .
2 It 's off to work for 16 pupils of Kilton Thorpe Special School at Brotton , who are going all over Cleveland gaining work experience in a variety of jobs ranging from police work , superstore and shop workers , dog handling to children 's nurseries .
3 With regard to children 's adjustment when there is a step-parent and a non-custodial visiting parent , the research evidence is less clear and obviously the age of the child can be a crucial factor which has not yet been properly researched .
4 LEGO : Ole Kirk Christiansen , a jobless carpenter in Denmark , had the idea to make good toys that would appeal to children 's imaginations and stand up to rough handling .
5 Delightful illustrations — including the wacky cartoon characters Wizzy the witch and Morgan the monster — appeal directly to children 's imaginations and sense of humour .
6 He believes a key to the projects ' success lies in the continuity it brings to children 's lives .
7 This special pleading is , no doubt , partly emotional but it might very well include reference to children 's lack of knowledge and understanding .
8 The contribution of parents and teachers to children 's achievement in the infant school
9 She 's made just a handful of films in the last 20 years , but the actress says she does n't miss the silver screen — she prefers to dedicate herself to children 's charity work instead
10 However the emergence of anti-heroes like Billy Bunter , the demotion of romance to children 's literature , are obvious consequences of the Western world 's fifteen-hundred-year long climb down the ladder of literary modes .
11 Topics covered during the seminar include ‘ An Analysis of Books on Women 's Issues ’ ; ‘ Women 's Contribution to Christian Literature ’ ; ‘ Women in the Media — a Global Perspective ’ and ‘ Women 's Contribution to Children 's Literature ’ .
12 Harriet Harvey Wood , head of literature at the British Council , is awarded an OBE , as is Dorothy Butler in New Zealand for services to children 's literature .
13 Our inclusion of speaking and listening as a separate profile component in our recommendations is a reflection of our conviction that they are of central importance to children 's development .
14 Music 's potential contribution to the debate and to children 's development of musical concepts and skills has as yet not been researched thoroughly .
15 Arrecife is small and surprisingly unspoilt , with a cheerful , flower-filled esplanade where an old fashioned roundabout operates all hours to children 's delight .
16 The clear , lively illustrations in full colour add to children 's motivation .
17 ‘ Goat stinks , ’ said Camille , for it was not so long since she had been frequently taken by Connie to children 's zoos where these creatures — mostly nannies and kids — were considered suitably sized and disposed to mingle briefly with the children of men .
18 Moreover , it tended to present a view of practice as constituted largely of issues to do with the visual appearance of classrooms and matters of organization relating to children 's grouping .
19 It was also claimed that a national curriculum would facilitate movement from one area of the country to another with minimum disruption to children 's education .
20 A few care managers have already gained posts in the SSD 's linked resource centres or moved to children 's services .
21 She has a career in legal reform related to children 's defence and legal aid , ‘ stood by ’ her husband in the controversy over his personal behaviour , and has been suggested by him as a possible member of his cabinet .
22 We hope to arrange a tangible recognition of his services to children 's bookselling , but meanwhile , we share with his family sadness at the death of a young man of great ability who achieved much in the time available to him .
23 A diary entry of the period reads , ‘ Daddy wo n't let me go out to play or listen to Children 's Hour or read stories .
24 One reason for this is that reading development is normally closely related to children 's knowledge of spoken language .
25 Margaret and Michael Rustin are among others who have applied psychoanalytic approaches to children 's fiction .
26 From children 's adventure stories and animal stories , to science fiction and fantasy topics , and more traditional and factual tales , Start with English Readers appeal directly to children 's interests and extend their English reading in the most natural way possible .
27 This work is grounded in the view that this kind of awareness on the part of children as writers enables them to gain a degree of control over their imagination ( see Rowland , The Enquiring Classroom , 1984 and ‘ Responding to Children 's Interests ’ , 1986 ) .
28 Paula Rego 's new work , twenty-eight watercolours which are illustrations to children 's stories , are showing at Marlborough ( 2 December-30 January 1993 ) .
29 Its latest report finds that car-exhaust fumes are the greatest single source of the pollutants that contribute to children 's chest infections , breathing problems and asthma .
30 He judged that it would be difficult to persuade readers of the artistry of Klee 's art , which appeared similar to children 's drawings , so he stressed the work 's imaginative content .
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