Example sentences of "to be [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Feeling some shyness — he was not used to social life , and this looked to be above his station — he used the brass knocker , polished as it was to show one 's face , distorted , as though in a mirror at a fair .
2 Unfortunately for Charles , the Director 's job turned out to be beyond his actually rather limited administrative abilities and , unable to assert himself in that field , he busied himself in the teaching side of things .
3 The mention of suspension is of interest : that the cause of it — truancy — is not only a 20th century phenomenon is shown by the next paragraph of the Report : " The parent of George Highton who had been suspended on account of frequent absence attended by order of the Deputation and stated that he had 3 boys in the School and that the one complained of was so refractory as to be beyond his management and would not attend as he should , frequently persuading his Brothers to follow his example and having gone into service he wished him to be dismissed , which was done , and the parent was informed that if the other two were not more regular in their attendance they would also be discharged . "
4 Ellsworth Kelly first saw Paris in 1944 at the age of twenty-one after the Normandy landing ; the young marine can not have imagined then how important that city was to be to his artistic career .
5 Knowing Wigg , I warned him that to pursue the matter for any other reason would be discreditable and in the long run would be sure to be to his detriment .
6 That is to be hi , for it to be his , to be to his praise , to be for his glory .
7 If it proves to be outside his scope , a letter of explanation will be sent to the complainant and to the member who referred the complaint .
8 He was an explorer and naturalist — his lecture was to be about his expedition to an unexplored part of the Canadian Arctic looking for wild geese .
9 A tape recording believed to be of his last words proves he executed his young family then killed himself , according to a newspaper report in America .
10 These cards , rumoured to be of his design , and said to be blessed by virtue of that design — psychically imbued with his influence — also sieved .
11 102 , here attributed to Willem Drost ) , the first depicting the artist 's sick wife Saskia , the second previously thought to be of his son Titus , Mr Royalton-Kisch felt that emotional attachment to the supposed subject matter had clouded judgement over attribution of drawings such as these .
12 They were meant to be for his weight but I 'm not sure I believe that .
13 That is to be hi , for it to be his , to be to his praise , to be for his glory .
14 Officials said yesterday that Robert Lock , 29 , from Cambridge , had been on remand after a court hearing last week when police detected the heroin , believed to be for his own use .
15 Item — Why did the King leave Edinburgh on such a night just to be with his Queen ?
16 On Gooch 's ill-fated Ashes tour of Australia two years ago , batsman Robin Smith was refused permission to make a 25,000-mile round trip home to be with his wife at the birth of their son , Harrison .
17 In addition to addressing the crowds as he journeyed through Galilee and around Jerusalem , he drew aside to be with his closest associates .
18 Every holiday he 'd fly back to the Gulf to be with his family , to put his feet on the familiar sandy soil of his own land , and every holiday he 'd want me to go with him .
19 Until now , he has had to be with his father 100 per cent of the time .
20 As William grew , stories filtered out about the Prince joining his son in the bath , of William flushing his shoes down the lavatory or of Charles cutting short engagements to be with his family .
21 But this would have been to start from the visible , and the whole tabernacle exists as the necessary " wrapping " for the invisible God when he comes down to be with his people .
22 He likes to take time off to be with his wife Judy and their four children .
23 He went back up north to be with his family .
24 And this morning the musician caught the first Concorde flight back to the US to be with his pregnant wife .
25 It was recognized in the Carolingian period by the author of the Life of Wulfram of Sens , who thought that the Frisian leader Radbod preferred to be with his ancestors in hell rather than alone in heaven .
26 Businessman Mr Kemp , 53 , sustained more minor injuries and is staying at the hospital to be with his wife .
27 His father , who is serving with the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders in Germany and who was estranged from his wife , flew home yesterday to be with his son .
28 He had flown home to be with his family and fiancee Carol Bettany for his birthday on November 7 , and returned to his regiment just days before his death .
29 The internal phone system springs into life and the moves are analysed or colleagues contacted to speculate on who has ‘ blotted his copy book ’ , or who seems to be on his way up the hierarchical tree in the mad scramble for position and preference .
30 At the end , he wanted to be on his own , so he 'd encourage her to go out on her own and go loony with me .
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