Example sentences of "to the [noun] only " in BNC.

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1 The Vice Chairman went on to explain that due to the Society only being able to have a licence rather than a lease on the premises , it was not possible to get grant aid .
2 The care which other carers might give to the child only becomes relevant if the threshold test is met .
3 Note that this power relates to the child only .
4 ( 3 ) The general practitioner review prompt is sent to the patient only when the results of the blood and urine tests have been received by the database .
5 This is the sort of CD that the ‘ ordinary ’ music-lover is likely to pass over in favour of something better known , on the assumption that ‘ German Harpsichord Music before Bach ’ would be of interest to the specialist only .
6 And the fact that your wife is erm there was something that could 've possibly been done for your wife and that is something that maybe I would 've mentioned at the end , do you think this would of be any benefit to the wife only as maybe an ending statement or something
7 So 98.6% — a far higher percentage than can ever be claimed for the STV — contributed to the election only MdBs .
8 English was , as it were , placed fully in the hands of the critic rather than the author , and the author would henceforth be admitted to the pantheon only on condition of a complete and " first-hand " revaluation .
9 In 1312 Clement V sent his vice-chancellor of the Curia and his chamberlain to resolve the conflict over Gaveston ; in 1316–17 another mission was involved with the realignment of parties ; and in 1326 the pope gave his backing to the queen only after his envoys had failed to achieve an Anglo-French peace between Charles IV and Edward II .
10 New tonofibrillae become attached to the epicuticle only when it is growing .
11 The major opposition to the poll tax came to the fore only when people realised how much they would have to pay .
12 Uncharacteristically , Eva got to the platform only to find that her spectacles were not in her handbag .
13 Cross-country skiing is a sliding walk , with feet fixed to the skis only at the toe .
14 Moreover , this particular photograph had been brought to the lab only that day , and no one had ever coupled it with any sort of training .
15 We head back to the apartment only when the day folds in around us for good .
16 Although railway-building in North America has been described above as ‘ quintessentially capitalist ’ , in fact railway companies were prepared to build to the West only in return for massive inducements .
17 If we had a sensible ordering of the legal profession everyone would start as a solicitor , moving to the Bar only when he felt ready to do so .
18 The Orbital 's two-phase ( air blast ) direct injection fuelling system , which adds a finely atomised fuel charge to the cylinder only after the exhaust port has been covered , eliminates the economy and emissions problems of old while providing a high degree of control over charge stratification .
19 The majority held that , whilst an honest but unreasonable mistake would negative liability , such a defence should be put to the jury only where the defendant expressly asserted belief in consent and where there was some evidence beyond his mere assertion .
20 A gangling youth with personal stereo and the thickest-soled baseball boots Harry had ever seen fell into the adjacent seat and began slapping his knee in time to the music only he could hear .
21 Neighbourhood police are supposed to spend as much time as possible per shift walking their beat , even taking tea-breaks at some appropriate place on the round , returning to the station only for their main meal break and when a criminal , such as a shoplifter , is apprehended , although this is rare .
22 ‘ Our coach was caught in the centre of an enormous traffic jam , and it looked as if we would be lucky to get to the station only an hour or so behind schedule .
23 By virtue of the doctrine of privity of estate the assignee will be liable to the landlord only for breaches of covenant occurring while the lease is vested in it , and that is why a landlord will usually insist upon a direct covenant from the assignee to observe and perform the provisions of the lease during the residue of the term , as in clause 5.9.4 .
24 As so often on this tour , Rubin Smith and Lamb were the main architects , both playing aggressively after David Smith , flown out to replace the injured Gooch , had hung around for some time to get accustomed to the conditions only to get a bruised thumb in the process .
25 The ‘ fact ’ of the first premiss covers all and no more than the facts awareness of which would modify spontaneous reactions to the issue in question ; ‘ Face facts ’ will be applicable to the issue only within the scope of this information .
26 They really mattered in a society remote from our own where the prestige of many professions , including the polite ranks of clergy and the armed services , catered to the motivations only of duty , vocation , or ambition .
27 In the aftermath of the Bush visit , US troops began patrolling parts of Panama City , a move which Foreign Minister Julio Linares described as a " flagrant violation " of the bilateral Panama Canal Treaty of 1903 , which accorded sovereign rights to the USA only in the Canal Zone .
28 On some of the whole-school matters , such as equal opportunities provision , the adviser provided feedback to the head only , although the adviser responsible for multicultural education spoke to all the senior staff .
29 An American legal source said : ‘ Fans are going to have to show they are going to the US only for the soccer matches and provide evidence of a steady history of employment , and that they can support themselves while in the States . ’
30 Buses departing from the present bus station to be to the south only .
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