Example sentences of "to which be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A typical clause on the sale of a registered title is as follows : All that property known as the title to which is registered as Absolute at HM Land Registry under Title No Together with the rights and Except and Reserved and Subject as mentioned in the Entries on the Register of the said Title .
2 In a simple sale of the whole of a seller 's property , the title to which is registered , the form of transfer of whole will apply ; it 's so simple that commonly one dictates it " off the cuff " , and the top copy is made on front of Form 19 or Form 19(JP) so that it can be used for that purpose .
3 The lease contained the normal covenants for the payment of rent , full repairing covenants , a user covenant confined to the business of ‘ home improvement contractors , ’ and the usual qualified covenant against assignment , to which is appended the following proviso :
4 And in all of them homosexuality echoes Augustinian privation — the more pernicious for being deeply , inherently inadequate , a kind of non-being and inauthenticity : an inimical absence which provokes paranoia and on to which is projected the fear of difference inherent within sexual difference .
5 Sixthly , a councillor ceases to be a member if he takes or holds any paid office or employment ( other than that of chairman ) , the appointment to which is made by the council .
6 It 's self evident Mr Deputy Speaker that this government is utterly unconcerned to carry out an obligation to which is bound by a treaty , freely entered into and the minister must answer the question of how he squares this inactivity with regulation nine three which obliges registration officers to take reasonable steps to obtain information about who should be eligible to appear on the electoral role .
7 Edward Spelman , the translator of Dionysius of Halicarnassus , was apparently the author of the pamphlet published anonymously in 1743 with the title " A fragment of the sixth book of Polybius … to which is prefixed a preface , wherein the system of Polybius is applied to the government of England . "
8 It is tempting to regard the traditional criminal justice system , access to which is controlled by the familiar figure of the policeman , as typical of a sanctioning system of enforcement .
9 I hope I have made it clear now that although ( 1 ) to ( 5 ) are basically the same structure , each modification is itself a sufficient change to make it a different kind of game — and thus the experience is a different one according to which is chosen ( either by the teacher or the participants themselves ) .
10 Andrew Greeley encapsulates it well in his phrase ‘ the sacrementality of human sexuality , ’ to which is allied a concept we shall repeatedly discover in Leonard , of women as the ‘ sacraments par excellence of God 's attractive love , ’ to use another of Greeley 's telling insights .
11 Conversely , desire bears the imprint of disgust : even as the low other becomes an object of longing , it is simultaneously that on to which is displaced a self-disgust that inheres at the centre of bourgeois desire , and for that matter other forms of desire .
12 On the other hand , the housewife , engaged in her working day , hears a knock on the door and finds a complete stranger there with a clip-board to which is attached a rather large sheet ( or sheets ) of paper covered with duplicated sentences and ominous boxes .
13 Many of the most important and prominent proteins of the synaptic membrane are of the class known as glycoproteins , which , if the description I gave in Chapter 3 now seems a long way back , can best be summed up as molecules made in two parts ; an amino acid chain embedded in the membrane , to which is attached a further chain made of sugar molecules such as glucose , fucose and galactose , sticking out from the membrane into the extracellular space beyond .
14 Section diagram showing how a simple waterfall can be made by means of a submersible pump , to which is attached a length of flexible tubing .
15 A thin layer of cooked cold porridge is spread in the bottom of the tub to which is added the microworm starter culture .
16 remains chief executive of Powder Coatings worldwide and chief executive of Cromadex , to which is added the UK and French general industrial businesses .
17 A 60-member President 's Council acts as an advisory body , to which are referred , among other things , disagreements on general affairs among the three chambers of Parliament .
18 A 60-member President 's Council acts as an advisory body , to which are referred , among other things , disagreements on general affairs among the three chambers of Parliament .
19 The worst thing that happened to diesel recently is the allegation of carcinogenic properties.It is argued that diesel fumes contain microscopic particles of sticky carbon , on to which are attracted carcinogens that can enter the lungs .
20 Green 's molecules consists of a central tungsten atom to which are attached two five-atom carbon rings ( cyclopentane molecules ) and two hydrogen atoms .
21 This itself is built up from long chains of sugar and phosphate molecules to which are attached nitrogen-containing molecules called the nucleotide bases .
22 Presumably some patrol ship on the high seas might log messages in this way , but it is clear that , as humans , our experience of utterances is not that we have recorded in memory a list of utterances to which are attached standard tags specifying time and place in these terms .
23 It is surrounded by a high creosoted wooden fence to which are attached glossy placards displaying the names of a well known firm of demolition experts and of the construction company in charge of the future redevelopment work .
24 The house he inherited was subsumed , and no one can doubt the distinction of the new entrance front , Marot 's claims to which are clarified by Gervase Jackson-Stops .
25 Legislative power is vested in a single-chamber National Assembly , elections to which are held every five years ; in the most recent elections in November 1985 the 175 seats were contested by 546 candidates of the ruling and sole legal party , the Côte d'Ivoire Democratic Party ( Parti démocratique de la Côte d'Ivoire — PDCI ) .
26 His mercurial personality was likened to quicksilver , to which was lent his name , according to Hoole 's Ariosto :
27 Teaching English , being a metaphor for a policy of enforced cultural assimilation , dovetailed with the view expressed by a large proportion of heads and teachers that ‘ immigrant ’ cultures — the desire to hold on to which was seen as evidence of a ‘ ghetto mentality ’ — were an educational hindrance requiring vigilant exclusion from the culture of the school ( Brittan , 1976 ) .
28 Underneath that I have another article to which was kicked out sometime later but I have it in here , it says , raid on Gdynia would surprise to Nazis to say refugees in Sweden tell how the non Germans cheered in the streets but the two refugees eye witnesses to the American Bombing Attack on Gdynia , October ninth , reported here that the raid caught the Germans by surprise and that non German workers stood in the streets and cheered amid terrific destruction .
29 In 1540 he transformed the office of Wards , formed in 1503 , into the Court of Wards , to which was joined the office of Liveries in 1542 .
30 There was one rather large living-room , and a small bedroom , the door to which was covered by a curtain .
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