Example sentences of "to we by the " in BNC.

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1 That evening Sid and I dined off piping hot oxtail soup , steak and kidney pie , followed by a very rich plum duff , all washed down with a bottle of French cider , given to us by the old Frenchman who lived in the cottage near the entrance to the orchard .
2 Let us give thanks for the example of love and compassion shown to us by the life of Jesus Christ .
3 Our full terms of reference and supplementary guidance given to us by the Secretary of State for Education and Science are contained in appendices 2 and 3 .
4 In the surrounding countryside farming continues in a way that is very little different from what was left to us by the Romans , though sunflowers have recently begun to replace some of the olive trees .
5 They appear in the form of a pair of vermilion ‘ chops ’ on our family note-paper and on quite a number of original Chinese paintings inscribed to us by the artists .
6 I dictate and Cats scribbles away and bashes out the replies on the word processor kindly loaned to us by the theatre .
7 One specific educational measure suggested to us by the National Federation of Credit Unions and the Co-operative Bank ( and banks generally would be interested in seeing the idea explored further ) was that the government should regularly publish the interest rates charged by different lenders , in comparative tables .
8 Theology must take as its starting-point the actuality of God 's self-revelation in Jesus Christ , disclosed to us by the Holy Spirit , and set its sights and adjust its compass by that .
9 He drinks the tea brought to us by the koko gravely , and makes exasperated noises .
10 Educational integration therefore becomes a wider concept than social integration since it involves , among other things , how we use the knowledge given to us by the act of socialisation .
11 Even our sonship , mediated to us by the Spirit , has this ambiguity about it .
12 I mean , if it 's pointed out to us by the lord we we try
13 Life in Russia is hard ( and since we deliberately chose to stay in a cheap non-western hotel we experienced some of the hardships first hand ) but I shall never forget the generosity and overwhelming hospitality shown to us by the people of Bastaisk church .
14 We welcome the general thrust of the report of the Edwards panel and the recommendations for the future of the national parks put to us by the Countryside Commission and the Countryside Council for Wales .
15 If the hon. Gentleman wants to find a worse record in Scotland for waiting lists , he should look at the waiting lists that were left to us by the previous Labour Government .
16 Rule A five was brought to us by the amalgamation of the boilermakers , who themselves have tried to get rid of this bloody rule .
17 I began work this morning , together with my Secretary , Mr S Summerchild , and a clerical assistant , Mrs L Padmore , in the premises made available to us by the Government Commission .
18 Policemen immediately that that is given to us by the Home Office .
19 There 's still the statutory position with the occupational therapist of this department makes a recommendation to the er on the f on the proposals submitted to us by the district council but it 's purely a , a lowering of the mandatory limit , the discretionary limit remains the same and it remains to see how that will work in practice .
20 It was awarded to us by the Independent Television Commission after we submitted an unopposed bid for the franchise .
21 MY WIFE and I would like to express our sincere gratitude for the heart-warming friendliness shown to us by the Liverpool citizens we met at the celebrations .
22 The day before the Sale it was calculated that we had 640 of our ‘ regulation ’ boxes ( given to us by the china shops ) filled with about 26,000 books – all sorted and priced by then .
23 To miss out on the opportunity afforded to us by the Chancellor of the Exchequer is to deny those in the greatest housing need the opportunity to get decent low cost housing .
24 Nanna wants to have all the er plants picked out of the greenhouse and erm have them all in the trays and up to us by the end of May before they go away on holiday .
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