Example sentences of "to [be] that the " in BNC.

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1 One answer seems to be that the market will take another look at Impressionist prints , and those by the Nabis , both of which are beginning to seem undervalued , in comparison with what was produced by their successors .
2 The problem seems to be that the people who prepare the lunches have never actually opened one sitting on a hill .
3 Mr Mark Brett , economist with Barclays de Zoete Wedd , said : ‘ The risk has to be that the figures will be better than everybody is assuming .
4 The rights and wrongs of it were debated for some time and the feeling seemed to be that the TCCB had come out of it in a worse light than Gatting ; as the Melbourne newspaper The Age put it , ‘ Gatting , caught rumour , bowled hypocrisy , 0 ’ .
5 And so it came to be that the bewitching gesture of her father 's secretary walking down the golden path ( which bewitched me when I saw the woman in the swimsuit take leave of the lifeguard ) had completely gone to sleep in her .
6 The reason seems to be that the gospel story was formed backwards .
7 The position now seems to be that the two offences have the same legal definition , and that the prosecution should prefer the charge of manslaughter when the case is a bad one which might merit a sentence in excess of the five-year maximum for causing death by reckless driving .
8 The reasoning behind this proposal seems to be that the two parties are adult , and any exploitation deriving from the family tie seems no more likely than in other adult relationships .
9 It does seem , though , that when the death of someone we love is sudden it does not have to be that the shock is greater than when we have been expecting it .
10 HOWEVER confident we pretend to be that the Conservatives will be returned with a majority of at least 25 , we must accept the possibility that this gesticulating Welsh oaf will hold centre-stage until such time as the economy , public order and constitution collapse about his ears .
11 The general view seemed to be that the important thing was to get the economic and social base right and the language would look after itself .
12 The reality proved to be that the mainly black community of Johns Island , South Carolina , found that they were unable to improve the situation existing in their communities in terms of the provision of social , educational , or civil amenities , largely due to the fact that they were unable to vote in elections .
13 The reason for the difference seemed to be that the DHSS paid for nursing home treatment in a number of instances : ‘ They took the pension and attendance allowance and the DHSS paid the rest . ’
14 If not , Hick 's position would presumably have to be that the many gods of one tradition were equivalent to the one god of another tradition .
15 The answer , in the light of the Mandla case , would appear to be that the school would be acting unlawfully .
16 The message needs to be that the school serves their community and accepts children from their area .
17 The typical operation seemed to be that the man took a lump of metal from a bin , thrust it into the machine , closed some kind of safety cage , and pulled a lever .
18 The important difference between habituation and conditioning when it comes to context specificity appears to be that the latter involves the recall of associative information whereas habituation requires no more than the recognition of the stimulus as being familiar .
19 In response to further letters in A Quarterly , the Society justified its stance by saying that while it accepted some correspondents ' views that certain butlers of excellent quality were to be found in the houses of businessmen , ‘ the assumption had to be that the houses of true ladies and gentlemen would not refrain long from acquiring the services of any such persons ’ .
20 He was entirely comfortable with the predictable opinion of the Senior Chief Inspector of Schools who confessed that ‘ I am not much moved by what appears to sacrifice the interests of the few in favour of the many when one result is certain to be that the quality of the person required to fill posts of great importance and of a highly specialized nature is likely to be degraded . ’
21 The only truism appears to be that the smaller the town the greater the extent of the exchange .
22 For example , if every time you tell the typist that your work is very urgent the result seems to be that the job arrives late , then maybe she hates being put under pressure and reacts in the opposite way that you want .
23 The reason for this seems to be that the opportunity cost of keeping boys at school when they could go out to work is greater than for girls , especially for poor rural families .
24 If the general approach is fairly robust , it ought to be that the relationship between population and land cover is fairly stable , so that we would expect the model coefficients to be similar to those obtained from the ward data .
25 The lessons of such experiences as NADP/GMTS and MESOL seem to be that the issues are as much about targeting and fully funding as about elitism .
26 Ruckelshaus is a marked contrast to Burford and her political mentor , the Interior Secretary James Watt , whose attitude often seemed to be that the environment was over-protected .
27 The message seems to be that the best diet is one where as many different foods as possible are included and where meals are planned to include :
28 However , the real point seems to be that the risk of an uninformed auditor 's being misled after a change imposes a greater cost than the benefit ( unquantified and intangible ) that a compulsory change would provide .
29 The final verdict has to be that the underlying intelligence of the man , for all his shrewdness , combativity and skill in a car , was insufficient to match an ambition that was almost forced upon him by his milieu , by his family and by his status as a Brazilian national hero .
30 The underlying moral of this part of the story seems to be that the Church should welcome all who are sound in doctrine without troubling about differences and minor scruples .
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