Example sentences of "to [conj] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 I think you know , Lincolnshire has done a dam good job for the people in Lincolnshire whether it in roads , whether it be old peoples homes , or whether it be in schools , whether it be in fire stations , police stations , I admit to where one could say across the board , they could compare , that they could compare , they might compare they might live in one area and work in another .
2 Ah well , you see they used to where they used to live opposite .
3 But , as in the case say of a temporary administrator coming in he 'd be able to or she would be able to take up this file and use it .
4 Well you would have to although I would have though it might have worked algebraically that 's certainly wrong though .
5 This means that at a time of crisis , such as death , there are fewer people to turn to than there used to be when it was the norm to live much nearer to kinfolk .
6 I mean it has been referred to that we might have to do them again , I sincerely hope we do n't have to go through this process again .
7 Flipping talking , when they listen to that they 'll burst their bloody ear drums !
8 The man that was on the mower , they had an eye to that they would just wait until it was off the the Where it was cut you see ?
9 I 'd also like to er I attend , I 've got a performance tomorrow night in Durham so if any of you want to come to that it would be very nice to see you , erm , if there are any questions please feel free to ask .
10 Getting back to the numbers , Mr says that if the number suggested by ourselves , through our client of thirty one K were er adhered to that it may well reduce the ability completely of locals to gain access to the housing market .
11 If in the future the single management committee on the two headed centre decide that they want a single headed project then only Pharuk hearing which I always subscribe to that it should be decided locally , they may have that said project I 'm sure you 'd agree , if they choose to have such one , if they feel that they need it , but we want to ensure , do we not , and the amendment does n't do this that we actually get a move on , that we spend the money we have , what little there is and there is very little on delivering the services , that we fuse the bureaucracy which is clearly contained in the other and , clearly contained , it 's spelt out in in in in tablets of stone in a way that 's never been done before .
12 I I The one he 's going on to that I ca n't go , it 's the third week in July .
13 Now with regard to that I 'd rather feel that were gon na be called on before then , because of the rumours about our own hospital .
14 I slide the rod-rest slowly into the sand , making sure it is positioned to that I can sit comfortably with the butt of the rod in my right hand and the tip pointing at the roots .
15 It no longer seems as obvious as it used to that I can detach myself from my interactions with other things , observe them objectively , and arrive at facts about them wholly independent of my own reactions and decisions .
16 ‘ If it comes to that I can always use the excuse that Father needed me , ’ she answered calmly .
17 Next door to that I could buy carrot cake ice-cream .
18 There was many 's a tramp that would have taken the A nine then but this one in particular and he was very very fond of him and he would ask when he was around to that he would get over to see him .
19 erm , and , and , it could arise in many different circumstances , erm one can imagine a situation which wrongly expel erm a name from the market , well whatever the motives , that clearly distorts competition cos there 's one rule , one less competitor in the market , erm it , it 's con , it , it 's conceivable that an article eighty five argument could arise and an expel name could raise a point , whether he succeeds is another matter , but at that point and , and in relation to that he may say well I can sue you because you 've excluded me you 've restricted competition or you 've excluded a group of names
20 I think it is absolutely plain that there is no possibility , that any local authority wherever Paul were living would find it possible to that he should cease to be a statement in child , it is quite clear , I think , that he is bound to remain a child with a statement of special educational needs , in those circumstances any local authority would have the statutory duty to provide for his education , either at or somewhere else and in practice it seems to me there is no reasonable possibility of his being moved from after he has spent , will it be probably more than four years there perhaps five years there , that I think is not a possibility which has to be catered for .
21 you have to cos they ca n't do nothing with the bits , they give you all the bits
22 I only want you to cos it 'll make it up to three .
23 Oh oh yeah well there was no option , you 'd got to cos you dare n't speak you 'd oh er friendly in our lunch break you know er dinner break really we did n't have lunch time erm we were all friendly together and er as I say er we got on alright , but you 'd er you 'd got to stick at your job absolutely you dare n't move oh , they do n't know they are born today
24 I in in the context of what Mr has just said , and I 'm really talking about the way he 's said it , but the way actually looked at the criteria , can I try to cos I would like to close on this particular question by one o'clock .
25 And I was hoping to cos I can quote you instances where people have trained in the health service , and they 've been told nineteen seventy four seventy five , when you complete your training , you 're not guaranteed a job in this health authority .
26 But do you feel it ought to be a free market erm situation , at least to the extent that anyone can move into any area they wish to provided they could find a place to live ?
27 ‘ The trouble with foresters , ’ said Kāli , ‘ is that they 're permanently hungry : feed them well and they 'll leave you alone : forget to and they 'll scour the entire village for evidence of green wood , musk , tār and all the other protected animals that you 're not supposed to kill .
28 And then we used to and they used to come along with the old cart and start leading .
29 And there used to be like a big bobbin there and you to and they used to go like that and chuck it up and try and catch it you know , and And we used to play shuttlecock and battledore .
30 Both he and Mickey Skinner have a limited number of appearances at Twickenham to look forward to and they will surely be anxious to go out on a high note .
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