Example sentences of "to [be] [art] small " in BNC.

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1 On 22 January 1946 he agreed to the formation of the Central Intelligence Group ( CIG ) , which was to be a small organisation simply collating all forms of foreign intelligence and reporting back to the president through the National Intelligence Authority ( NIA ) .
2 Huemul turned out to be a small island in lake Nahuel Huapi , high on the slopes of the Patagonian Andes .
3 She crouched down to retrieve a comb from underneath the seat in front , and her fingers brushed what appeared to be a small piece of card .
4 There continued to be a small sloughy area about 1cm in diameter in the centre of the wound .
5 Their quarters turned out to be a small suite , with two sleeping cabins and a minute dining-room .
6 There was also to be a small separate system in the Urban District of Penge , connecting the Croydon boundary at Selby Road with Beckenham and Lewisham .
7 Mary White , the secretary of the Mount Leinster MAG warned , ‘ You may think this going to be a small hole gouged out of the mountain but it reaches for five miles on top of Tomduff .
8 A 1986 U.S. study found an increased risk to expectant mothers , but this was said to be a small sample , which was followed by two further studies .
9 The reported number of people known to have HIV only includes those who have taken a blood test , and is therefore only likely to be a small proportion of the total number infected .
10 Although Mr Nadir is bankrupt in Britain , this is likely to be a small fraction of the assets he can call on .
11 It is after all quite difficult to remember exactly what it felt like to be a small person when you yourself have n't been one for thirty or forty years .
12 Barak 's house turned out to be a small bungalow in West Beirut , less than a mile away from the Mar Elias Camp .
13 Her contact turned out to be a small , fussily-dressed man in a large panama .
14 It was to be a small rally , starting at the Olympic Stadium and ending outside the rebuilt Reichstag building at the Platz der Republik in the Tiergarten .
15 The imposition of a slightly lighter sentence in a few cases would seem to be a small price to pay for the conviction of more guilty offenders .
16 Er it has to be a small group .
17 Near the road , on the edge of Winter Marsh itself , there seemed to be a small hamlet , called Crabtree Wick .
18 The time resolution is not stated explicitly but seems to be a small number of minutes .
19 I hear a number of my hon. Friends saying yes , but I invite the House to reflect cautiously before interfering in what seems to be a small particular in the right of the press to make a fair and accurate report .
20 At the same time the trade unions expressed strong opposition to the draft budget for 1991 , which contained plans to cut public spending , ostensibly to offset the effects of the Gulf crisis , to increase defence spending and to cut corporate taxes ; there was to be a small increase in wealth tax .
21 Norman Tebbit was still on his feet , waving what appeared to be a small Union Jack , and trying manfully to make himself heard above the din .
22 Melissa turned out to be a small , jolly woman , maybe a teacher or a social worker , and the only woman I saw in the camp who wore a wedding ring .
23 The Library turned out to be a small lecture room with about twenty hard chairs facing an overhead projector and screen .
24 This contrasts with other regions in the province where there appears to be a small but consistent occurrence of figured mosaics between the middle and late second century .
25 ‘ There seems to be a small minority in Cleveland who want to stick by the rule and are blinkered in their view .
26 His sister , Moira Coles , 34 , of Mapperley , Nottingham , admitted her part in the conspiracy but was said to be a small cog in the operation .
27 There 's always going to be a small percentage of people that are open to temptation is n't , are n't there ?
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