Example sentences of "to [be] [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 In asserting the supremacy of the Moldavian constitution and laws throughout the republic 's territory , and that " laws and other normative acts " would take effect in Moldavia only subject to ratification by the Moldavian Supreme Soviet , it appeared to go further than the Russian and Uzbek sovereignty declarations and to be closer in spirit to the more radical declarations of the Baltic and Transcaucasian republics , since it did not appear to allow for arbitration in the event of conflict with the USSR Constitution and laws .
2 In 1962 the Molony Committee on Consumer Protection declared itself to be strongly in favour of the service and recognised its potential :
3 I do not know the latest medical prognosis of how long he will live , but perhaps he is hoping not to be around in 30 years ' time when the papers become available .
4 Are they going to spend it suddenly in er two years time , or are they expecting not to be around in two years time ?
5 The primitive mammals that happened to be around in the three areas when the dinosaurs more or less simultaneously vacated the great life trades , were all rather small and insignificant , probably nocturnal , previously overshadowed and overpowered by the dinosaurs .
6 It is difficult to persuade those who exercise authority in conventional terms that there are other forms of power than theirs : more diffuse but more pervasive ; less aggressive but more enduring , to be round in small towns and rural villages .
7 This would probably cause Franks mind to be elsewhere in training , and so lead to him being uninspired — whereas he should be getting his head down and working .
8 Persistent aggression is a deviation not only from social convention , but from the way people ‘ naturally ’ are , since the mind is thought to be properly in control of the soul ( cf.
9 Er and you 'd er they 'd er just bang on the door and , and call you and you had to be downstairs in five minutes .
10 Just the sorts of skills that are going to be increasingly in demand in Washington .
11 All major religions offer a deepening understanding of spirituality because of the way they enable people to be consciously in the presence of that Mystery .
12 Virgin had long ago ceased to be simply in the music business ; it was now in that most Eighties of concepts , the lifestyle business .
13 James Pawsey , the Tory member for Rugby , also appeared to be hopelessly in love .
14 The reader feels what it is like to be the member of a minority group , to live in wartime , to be handicapped , to be hopelessly in love , or to be bullied at school .
15 It may not appear to be strictly in keeping with the true spirit of love , but there is a great deal of useful ‘ good ’ to be learned from a military background .
16 It is usual for the file to be arranged in ascending key sequence , and for the file creation software to expect input to the file to be physically in this order ( on initial creation ) or logically in this order ( when a file with overflow records is reorganized ) .
17 According to calculations carried out on her data , Cohen estimated the duration of the icon to be longer in the left ( 57 msec. ) than the right ( 34 msec. ) visual field .
18 The proposed research builds upon the findings of the applicant 's small scale , exploratory study in Hartlepool ( Morris , 1987 ) , which found male unemployment to be concentrated in families , and duration of unemployment to be longer in areas where the rate of unemployment was higher .
19 Mervyn Pinfield 's role as Associate Producer on Doctor Who was agreed to be mostly in an advisory capacity .
20 Voting is expected to be massively in favour of independence .
21 Voting is expected to be massively in favour of independence .
22 ‘ However , in the meantime I 'm going to be badly in need of some professional help , ’ Laura told him urgently .
23 It was still early morning and , having been unable to confirm my flight by phone ( surprise , surprise ) , I was relieved to be here in good time .
24 The Immigration Act gives authority to detain indefinitely and without trial those refused entry to the UK and those alleged to be here in breach of immigration law .
25 I thought you were going to be here in London for ages . ’
26 Perhaps the cops had a man calling up every half hour , and a squad car ready to be here in seconds .
27 ‘ It sounds reasonable , tell him to arrange for his solicitor to be here in the morning . ’
28 The memories all seemed to be here in the Dordogne and Alain must know it .
29 To be here in Spain and not see things at close quarters was a great waste of such beauty , and she had no intention of asking Mitch to tag along either .
30 ‘ I feel fine and in any case I wanted to be here in person and not have to watch you on television .
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