Example sentences of "to [art] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And sometimes listen to the birds you know , the birds start early do n't they ?
2 In the case of machinery it often makes operators indifferent to the dangers they are involved with every working day .
3 Nonetheless the Introduction to the Man of Law 's Tale ( II : 1 – 98 ) is particularly relevant to the themes we have just identified in fragment VII .
4 Stephen left parliament disillusioned ; virtually all the colonies passed legislation by 1820 , and although it was unsatisfactory in some respects to the reformers they were constrained by the existence of the legislation .
5 Earlier on in the same piece of writing , in the same letter to the Philippians he had said that for him to die was gain .
6 But we must now return to England to consider briefly part of the lively contribution to the developments we are discussing made by Sir Edward Tylor ( 1832–1917 ) .
7 But the relationship of librarians to the developments we have so far examined , including the knowledge and publications explosions , the development of new teaching methods , and the rapid expansion of audio-visual communication media , is something we must now examine in closer detail , so that the later arguments and conclusions of this book can be made clear .
8 He was a tall , red-haired man , according to the descriptions he had one shoulder higher than the other , but that did n't seem to prevent him being attractive to women .
9 ‘ If thieves have taken to the roads you 're likely to end up with a hole in you like … ’
10 When political considerations took primacy over whether qualifications it is not surprising that some of the appointments were given to candidates ill-suited to the duties they were called upon to perform , such as the Lanarkshire freeholder appointed macer of the Court of Session who , according to James Boswell , ‘ had a constant hoarseness , so that he could scarcely be heard when he called the causes and the lawyers , and was indeed as unfit for a crier of court as a man could be .
11 Yes erm listening to the punters I mean I know loads of people come up here and there 's one thing which all of them tend to say and that this place is threatening .
12 There was a tendency from the beginning for British negotiators in particular to ignore the ‘ preambles ’ to the Treaties they agreed to sign .
13 ‘ Black users who have difficulty gaining access to statutory services go to the groups they know ’ , says Barry Mussenden of the Black Community care Alliance , a forum for voluntary sector providers .
14 In the case of exercise it appears that the body becomes addicted to the endorphins it produces to ameliorate the pain and stress .
15 The issue of the buyer 's good or bad faith was relevant only to the damages he could claim from the seller in contract ; the beneficiary himself was above such concerns .
16 Or , perhaps , it was in some way due to the directions we gave them ?
17 In the few years since they have been in existence , the colleges of higher education have had little or no guidance , from the DES or anywhere else , as to the directions they might follow .
18 Bringing her mind back to the keys she suggested having a photograph taken so that there would be a record of them if it was ever needed .
19 Since the set has two transmitter power settings , 1.6W and 5.0W output power , I had hoped to find that the higher power setting would overcome by 1.5W KX99 's main failing — its inability to talk to ground stations farther that about 10nm away ; but according to the controllers I tried to speak to using both hand-helds in turn , there was only a very marginal difference between the King and the ICOM unit on either of its power settings .
20 ‘ The Arts Council have problems , too : I do n't see them as the enemy , but they create a situation which gives rise to the criticisms they make . ’
21 Erm when I came on to the flats I came with an open mind and I was gon na you know take things as I as I met them .
22 With regard to the flats I mean , one o erm the flats have been up since the late sixties and erm now they 're gon na be coming down .
23 In response to the noises we make about services disappearing , cuts in services and increased fares , the Minister might say that we are speculating .
24 Boro full back and fly half Ian Bircham has landed a job in Italy so his appearances will be limited to the weekends he is home .
25 When I dared to go to the scales I discovered that I had lost a further ten pounds in five days .
26 Later , when we 're nearer completion , you might like to offer a free trip to the agents he recommends — get them to pass on the news to their customers .
27 I could have turned a blind eye , but to grab it and to throw it to the hounds I think was absolutely abysmal .
28 ‘ I , too , find it incredible that anyone would go to the lengths he has just to discredit my work ! ’ she answered bitterly .
29 The local police knew the legend of Mosse ; to the scientists he was not even a name .
30 I ca n't agree a solution with our officers that is acceptable to the residents I represent and I put it to this council to try and get something done about it and all I get from the chairman of the committee is the officer 's comments pushed back down my throat .
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