Example sentences of "to [art] [noun] against " in BNC.

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1 Finally , John , does it make a difference how popular a horse race is and how many horses there are in a race as to the odds against winning or the odds in favour of winning ?
2 Adding his voice to the outcry against outlawing simple unauthorised entry into computers , Budley Salterton ( not his real name ) warned : ‘ It 's not the catch-all they ( the Law Commission ) hope for .
3 We have already had reference this morning to the outcry against the handling of , of the mine closures and it was immense , the case was made by the Parliamentary Success er Select Committee for some serious thinking about energy policy for the future , yet the government did not think again , the political debate was at the level of whether Mr Heseltine would remain in power and nothing was changed .
4 Mostly he is talking about a period before the war but he also refers to the uprising against the Germans in 1912 , and some events immediately after the last war , and to a man he describes as his brother .
5 The war suddenly incited the full force of Russian nationalism , and Lenin 's emphasis changed to the struggle against what he called ‘ Great Russian Chauvinism ’ .
6 The consolidation of the eternal and unshakeable friendship formed between the Soviet and Korean peoples , thanks to the liberation and assistance by the Soviet Union will further strengthen the international democratic camp and will make a valuable contribution to the struggle against the aggressive imperialists , the instigators of a new war .
7 For a communist militant who had devoted his life to the struggle against fascist barbarism and oppression , the revelation that the Soviet communist state had come to a private agreement with Hitler 's Nazi Germany was a mortal body blow .
8 The party 's popular front image , by contrast , captured the imagination of countless intellectuals wishing to be involved in a broad cultural movement committed to the struggle against fascism .
9 But there it is dedicated to the struggle against apartheid .
10 The Knights Panther trace their origins to the wars against Araby when returning crusaders brought back outlandish animals from the east .
11 Following the allegations of fraud in the July 1989 legislative and municipal elections in five states [ see p. 36811 ] an independent tribunal ruled in September that the left-wing nationalist Democratic Revolutionary Party ( Partido de la Revolución Democrática — PRD ) had in fact won 14 of the 18 seats in the state legislature in Michoacán , as opposed to the six initially conceded to the PRD against 12 for the ruling PRI , and that there had been widespread voting irregularities in the other four states .
12 Here protection was being offered to the husband , but also to the wife against her apparently uncontrollable consumerism .
13 Meanwhile , Welsh coach Clive Griffiths yesterday received another setback in the build-up to the international against England at Swansea on November 27 .
14 Linking the US recession to the trade deficit and , therefore , to the barriers against US exports , Bush — accompanied by an entourage of 21 senior US businessmen — promised to prise open protected markets and bring home jobs .
15 It should , I think , be emphasised that the present decision of your Lordships does not represent a breakthrough in relation to the principle against self-incrimination ; it is a decision on its own facts in the light of that principle .
16 Grove , a 15-1 longshot , was dropped to the canvas in the first round by a crunching left hook but got up , and danced and jabbed his way to the distance against the hard-hitting Nelson .
17 But , as we have seen , regarding authentic Producers ' Co-operation as ‘ the rival doctrine ’ the Consumers ' Movement did little then to help , and so contributed to the inertia against which the industrial co-operative form has had to contend .
18 But the rest of Frolik 's information was not particularly valuable except in that it convinced the CIA that Britain 's Labour Party was riddled with Communist sympathisers and thus untrustworthy , and helped lead to the suspicions against Prime Minister Harold Wilson .
19 The reduction in penalty from the theoretically available life to three years will mean that prosecuting policy will have to be revised in these types of affray , and that prosecutions will have to be brought either for riot or violent disorder , or for offences contrary to the Offences Against the Persons Act 1861 , sections 18 , 20 and 47 .
20 Catherine explicitly denied the serf 's right to appeal to the State against his master 's treatment .
21 We have seen the ways in which a law and order policy , informed by a Conservative criminology , constructs oppositional subjects to the State against which it then acts .
22 The two main findings of this study are that ( i ) capsaicin sensitive afferent neurones do not seem to have an affect on rapid repair of injured gastric mucosa , although they contribute to the defence against injury , and ( ii ) anaesthetics can affect the recovery of gastric mucosa from damage .
23 The lengthy section in the same report on the persecution of the Jews in Germany began by stating that what was currently taking place was the ‘ irresistible extermination of a minority ’ , comparable to the genocide against the Armenians by the Turks during the First World War but carried out in Germany against the Jews ‘ more slowly and in more planned fashion ’ , adding accurately that ‘ in reality a lawless situation has long prevailed , through which every act of force against the Jewish minority is sanctioned ’ .
24 Sunderland again rose to the occasion against better opposition and just about deserved to get the points to ease their relegation worries considerably .
25 Latimer pleaded for time to prepare a defence to the charges against him , but William of Wykeham insisted that he should answer them immediately .
26 In response to a pervasive loss of faith in mid-Victorian economic liberalism , a string of measures had been put through Parliament by Conservative and Liberal Governments in concession to the case against unregulated laissez-faire and for intervention on social grounds by the state .
27 At this point we can move to the case against secularism .
28 I come at last to the case against conventionalism .
29 Recent years have seen an extraordinary surge of energy among women despite continuing disadvantages : the growth of Well Women Centres , Rape Crisis Lines , the campaign in response to the discrimination against lesbians in Section 25 , the Greenham peace camp , the organisation of professional groups such as Women in Engineering and Women in Publishing , are all manifestations of this energy .
30 Its circular of 12 January drawing attention to the decisions against united action taken at Southport , had been ignored .
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