Example sentences of "to [pron] [det] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , I feel that it 's very much a case that they have things done to them all the time and our pupils , a lot of them , are quite sort of apathetic in decision-making and are quite happy to accept , or appear to be happy to accept , whatever anybody decides should be done for them , to them .
2 I 'm going to explain to them all the importance of Iran to the US and the danger of it falling to extremists , he said . "
3 The way the media suck up to them all the time .
4 And they 've got an Inspector and Sargeant seconded to them all the time , and a highly paid civilian and other civilian staff
5 So you see ee God does n't leave things for chance , he does n't leave people on the scrap heap he reaches out to them all the time .
6 If there are alternative theft and handling counts , the jurors should not be instructed to convict of the offence which it seems more probable to them that the accused committed .
7 The mess in the kitchen was typical of neither of them , and should have announced to them both the distress of the other .
8 ‘ It belonged to me all the same , ’ Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke pointed out with the authority of a monarch claiming a sturgeon .
9 ‘ She wo n't leave me alone , talking to me all the time , distracting me . ’
10 He identified so closely with this work — for what seem to me all the wrong reasons — that his interpretation tended to tremble on the edge of bathos .
11 Unfortunately she now clings to me all the time and I find it terribly embarrassing and uncomfortable .
12 What can As You Like It possibly mean to someone who had never been in love , or Hamlet to someone who has never felt ‘ how weary , stale , flat and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of this world ’ .
13 Petri often quoted the older man 's opinion : ‘ He called me his most genuine pupil and tried everything to further me , recommended me to managers and conductors , sent to me all the pupils he did not want to take , and was instrumental in getting me the appointment of Professor of Piano at the Royal College of Manchester , England , where I remained from 1905 to 1911 ’ .
14 To me all the cows looked similar — small and black all over although I did recognize that some had longer horns and a few had none at all .
15 Mike wrote his own letter but showed it to me all the same .
16 She did n't speak a single word to me all the way back here , and she 's in foul form downstairs at the moment .
17 ‘ I left Rhydoldog for ever ’ , Laura was to write later , ‘ on an early April day when the wild daffodils were smothering the banks of the old water garden and thousands more nodded to me all the way down the lovely driveway to say farewell . ’
18 True , she behaves like someone who is unfaithful to me all the time .
19 I went to him on the Sunday morning I said morning Charlie , he said morning and I said ni I said goodnight Charlie , he say goodnight and that 's the only thing he said to me all the weekend .
20 It seems to me all the decisions have been yours ! ’
21 My kids write to me all the time . ’
22 ‘ But it seems to me such an object would be recognised by any soldier . ’
23 And before you leave us I want you all to hear what the Senior Medical Officer said to me half an hour ago .
24 This would mean containing within their state one million persons to whom such a national identity would be totally antithetical .
25 E. E. Kellett wrote of Joseph Parker , ‘ Why should people to whom such a pleasure as this was open , desire to go to the theatre ?
26 Tony Wedd taught me to spot them as possible ley markers , and the sight of a clump or an individual pine standing alone on a ridge still fills me with excitement , perhaps a resonance with the ancient traveller to whom such a sight meant the security and guidance that the straight tracks provided .
27 But there are several billion people in the world to whom such a coincidence could happen , so the apparent coincidence is actually not as great as it seems .
28 I sat there and thought about Eric , to whom such an unpleasant thing happened .
29 In some cemeteries an annual or regular service is held to which all the families and friends of people who have been buried or cremated in the last year are invited .
30 She knew that Richard came from the castle and understood that his family was the family to which all the others deferred , but now instead of intimidating her Richard 's status seemed to impart a sense of protection .
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