Example sentences of "to [pron] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's a messenger for you , Major Karr , ’ she said , the use of Karr 's rank indicating to them all that the man was within hearing in the next room .
2 Bathrooms and modern amenities were added to them all but great care was taken to ensure the original character of the buildings was retained , and in fact the original ambience has been left so intact as to produce a veritable living museum of simple , rustic life as it used to be .
3 The song is a tribute to people , how I 'm grateful to them all and I love them and I love everyone .
4 Sees and understands any situation in its complexity , the physical , mental , emotional and social factors interacting , the strengths and weaknesses of the client and principal carers , the meaning of the situation to them all and the impact on the family network and its way of coping .
5 But she spoke to them all and said she would never forget them .
6 ‘ I 'm not the woman-hater who juggled eight women and kept lying to them all and kept them on a string and had one for every night , ’ he says .
7 I went to them all and watched and listened and made my own judgements .
8 ‘ We used to have to go to them all and raise funds for the old Alma Mater .
9 She also went up on to the stage afterwards to meet the singers , and endeared herself to them all when one of the chorus asked , ‘ Why do n't you come and audition for the company ? ’
10 O K. It seems to me that and just looking at human nature something is that right ?
11 Derrida , Foucault , Kristeva , Lacan , Barthes : just reeling off their names is ( as Auden said in a very different context ) ever so comfy , since it safely defers the issues at hand to nothing less than a transcendent signified : in short , to a star .
12 This amounts to nothing less than the extension of the nomenklatura system to intrabloc relations .
13 The alchemist 's work amounted to nothing less than the redemption of the physical world .
14 Similarly the group of four articles advancing the route to an ideal society , amount to nothing less than ‘ kind capitalism ’ — a popular fantasy amongst the socially aware middle class , and a contradiction in terms .
15 His forecast for 1985 in the NME led to nothing more than a throwaway : ‘ Disability chic will reign rampantly in 1985 .
16 This led to nothing more than Morrissey 's former headmaster making a radio appearance wherein he spoke briefly in defence of the education system before recalling proud remembrances of his former pupil .
17 Yet Hardy always insisted that these memories were only impressions , ‘ moments of vision ’ which added up to nothing more than ‘ diverse readings ’ on the road to a ‘ true philosophy of life ’ .
18 The motives of the instigators might be anything from pure love of a believed-in ‘ god ’ , to nothing more than an ignoble desire to surpass in magnificence the work of a rival religion or area of influence .
19 As it also happens to be the only drinker on the Cherwell until you get to Islip , the murderous conspiracies and dark plots which so excite the Kidlington Kops amount to nothing more than the fact that when I opened my curtains that morning I saw the sun shining in a cloudless blue sky and decided to go for the longest and most pleasant of the river walks open to me .
20 The music of Chopin , the poetry of Mickiewicz — both produced in exile — and the paintings of Jan Matejko are all powerful emotional and political responses to the reality of life in a country whose people were denied their own forms of government , and whose culture was relegated to nothing more than a set of quaint country ways .
21 Equally , however , there may be some circumstances where ‘ strong ’ government amounts to nothing more than the power to force upon the country crass , stupid and mistaken policies lacking even the virtue of endorsement by a majority of , presumably , misguided electors .
22 He embraced the moral grandeur of it with enthusiasm , and to his dying day aspired to nothing more than Indian membership of the British empire as an equal partner , regarding independence in isolation as a perhaps politically expedient but regrettable alternative .
23 The family 's possessions , also described by Van der Post , amount to nothing more than ostrich-egg containers , animal skins , the man 's spear , bow and arrows , and the woman 's ‘ grubbing-stick ’ , pestle and mortar .
24 This child had not been embalmed and his preservation was due to nothing more than the construction of the coffin , for the wood was no less thick — 1½ inches — than that of an adult 's coffin , and the lead was likewise no different in gauge .
25 Selahattin Simsek said that during his interrogation , police officers tortured him for 23 consecutive days , but he confessed to nothing more than ‘ a certain sympathy ’ for the PKK .
26 This view has long been linked with those who have argued that the company should not be specially regulated by the state since it owed its existence to nothing more than a contract between individual property owners .
27 The special nature of the facts of the case mean that it has a very narrow reading and for this reason might amount to nothing more than an amalgam of common law duties not to be dishonest .
28 But Katherine Lundy did n't believe in omens ; she imagined her untroubled night 's sleep was due to nothing more than complete exhaustion .
29 This is the disastrous way in which they have trivialized the rich complexity of black life by reducing it to nothing more than a response to racism .
30 It has been said many times that the word ‘ conviction ’ is ambiguous and it has sometimes been construed in a statutory context as referring to nothing more than a finding of guilt .
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