Example sentences of "to [pron] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I would ask those concerned if they could be patient and given time I will refund all money owing to them including any interest that would have accrued had their money been in a bank .
2 ‘ Well , perhaps you 'd better talk to them about that . ’
3 When they arrived the hospital team changed tack and referred to them about all matters with regard to the girl 's care because they were the next of kin .
4 The important thing about that Richard is you still have to sit down and talk to them about these businesses .
5 Both he and his employers knew there was a risk of a stone falling on him and he had complained to them about this .
6 Young people who have been caught in this trap have had no information given to them about this change and can not avail themselves of the choice of training like colleagues born on or before July 1 .
7 Before this single , the rather distanced American rock press failed to probe deeply into the phenomenon of The Smiths and had constantly referred to them as some kind of wacko gay outfit , English eccentrics playing lightweight rock .
8 We always referred to them as those ladies of the stage .
9 Eileen was dead and it meant nothing to them at all .
10 When teachers , matrons , the housemistress and finally the headmistress all started to show some concern and more disapproval at my unco-operative ( anorexic ) behaviour , I refused to answer their questions , or even to talk to them at all , and during the course of their homilies I merely stared out of the window or smiled to myself in a superior , scornful sort of way .
11 There are fewer generally accepted criteria about what environmental adaptations are necessary or desirable for pupils with problems in seeing and some debate as to whether any special attention needs to be given to them at all .
12 The Fat Controller addressed me over the sounds of her orgasm , paying no attention to them at all .
13 The reason is obvious to you but may not be so to them at all .
14 The Minister is aware that those who work for 16 hours or less do not have the right to itemised pay statements unless they have worked for five years and that those who work less than eight hours have no right to them at all .
15 Many of our users are social historians , and we offer support to them at all stages .
16 Get up at two , I do n't think got much mention to them at all from what I was
17 Then when we came out we s went around London to see the sights but the decorations but why we went I did n't think anything to them at all this year .
18 Now I personally believe that most erm policy makers in Britain , and indeed in most other industrial countries , do n't really believe the Third World matters to them at all .
19 How did you get word to them at that day ?
20 And our comment to them at that particular stage was , ‘ Well , if that 's the case that 's the case .
21 The Personnel Department is involved in the formulation and implementation of policies governing the organisation 's dealings with its existing and potential employees Here , too , microcomputers can make a valuable contribution They place in the hands of managers a powerful analytical tool which is available to them at any time .
22 The justification of the invaders , based partly on the doubtful assumption that proximity gave sovereign rights , but more specifically on the claim that the islands had belonged to them at some time in the past , bears comparison with the Zionist claim to Palestine .
23 I thought you would be interested to see some of the questions raised by Members so far , and I am enclosing these and the responses to them at this current stage of our thinking .
24 Thank the Lord for his faithfulness to them at this time .
25 The trouble with anonymous contributions to this page , not that I 'm not grateful for anything I can get , is that the people who send them ca n't get a lovely Community Care mug whereas those like Nicholas Holbrook , ( see below ) who refuse to hide their creative light under a bushel , have a mug winging its way to them at this very moment .
26 Most children learn about epilepsy when they first see their parent having a seizure , and it is vital the condition is fully explained to them at this time .
27 A small bouncy couple in their fifties got out , staring at the lights and the screens round Angela Morgan 's car , and came over to them with all the confidence of the middle-class member of a Neighbourhood Watch scheme .
28 ‘ We realized that decorators were buying our fabric and wallpaper in bulk and asking for a discount , as was available to them with any other brand . ’
29 This can be comforting to them to some extent , but what they really want to hear is that you will not only see that they are cared for properly for the rest of their days , but that you will help them to remain in control of their own finances and to be as independent as possible .
30 The great advantage to them of this approach is that it has a strong one-firm concept , where most of the values arid styles of the consultants are compatible , thus making it potentially easier to integrate as a consultancy team .
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