Example sentences of "to [noun] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But going to Dieppe it docks on the quay or whatever is sort of right in the heart of erm the town so once you are off the ferry , you 're there .
2 From tip to toe it gives almost 900 ′/270m; of verticality .
3 Measuring over 200 feet from head to toe it stands proudly on the south of Windover Hill , a few miles inland from Eastbourne .
4 to harp it Does look rather
5 When the inquiry went to Cardiff it did more than cross the Severn Bridge .
6 I mean anomalies and there 's different prices if you go from Cardiff to Bristol it 'll cost you X amount if you go Bristol to Cardiff it costs you something different .
7 Note 1.2.3 One other thing 1.2.2 does for us is to prove that Z can contain only one subset N with the properties listed in axiom P. ( If M is a subset of Z satisfying P then either 1 or -1 belongs to M. It follows from 1.2.2 that unc and then from axiom P(ii) that , in any case , 1 ε M. Similarly 1 ε N and hence
8 Peggy rather hoped that Rosalind was not all dressed up to meet a new boy-friend , but with a letter going off to Richard it looked as if she were .
9 It does not describe reality nor is it sufficient in itself , but applied to religion it means that nothing is true .
10 To Manville it meant only one thing .
11 And er I 've already referred to a byproduct of over-provision that sites are then moved on to sh car showrooms and erm supermarkets which are needs which or demands which would probably not have justified the allocation of the land for industry in the first place but once the land is allocated to industry it seems to be thought that no harm would be done by allocating those to something else .
12 To Lucy it looked drab and overdone , lined with cars bumper-to-bumper like every other London street that she 'd seen since she arrived .
13 Finally , as prices range from £15,190 to £26,910 it represents superb value for such a high specification .
14 From foundations to roof it had taken only five months to reach this stage of construction .
15 To Nkrumah it seemed that the British — and also the United States and France — were behaving in a devious and cynical fashion , pretending to uphold the UN but in reality sanctioning the separatist regime of Tshombe in Katanga .
16 Since I came to England it has got much less .
17 But to Enoch it meant a very great deal . ’
18 Yet we knew that if a programme was going to work it had to be ‘ user friendly ’ — we had had enough of diet and exercise books written by doctors and self-proclaimed experts .
19 But you 've got to do the right kind of exercise to get the effect er and again when you come to stamina it 's got to be , you 've got to have a bit of the all round to go with the stamina .
20 In addition to Newbury it centred on Reading and Abingdon , about which information is scanty , and had flourished at Wantage during the fifteenth century .
21 As it was too large to be put on a lorry to be moved from site to site it had to travel on roads under its own power and was held to be intended to be used on roads .
22 The policies of the ILP had lost it much support but in its opposition to the war and to conscription it regained some of its influence on the Left .
23 To neo-Keynesians it matters little what local authorities spend on revenue account .
24 As Sa'di said : ‘ If a diamond falls in the dirt it is still a diamond , yet even if dust ascends all the way to heaven it remains without value . ’ ’
25 The world has turned to places it regards as more important , and Afghanistan has been left to its civil war .
26 Time travellers forbidden from remaining in one place for more than a short while , The Shamen are taking pop to places it 's hitherto been excluded from .
27 Time travellers forbidden from remaining in one place for more than a short while , The Shamen are taking pop to places it 's hitherto been excluded from .
28 A cool breath of stale dank air assailed his nostrils , but to Grant it smelled sweetly of life and freedom .
29 At one time so many people from the area were hanged at Newgate it had been nicknamed Jack Ketch 's Warren , and according to Paddy it had been known for as many as forty constables to march down with cutlasses to control disturbances .
30 ‘ Since INR1 has been made off-limits to baby-boomers it has become a lot less attractive , ’ says Tim Schoonmaker , head of radio at EMAP , a magazine publisher once expected to bid .
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