Example sentences of "to [adj] [pron] might " in BNC.

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1 He played Bobby Dupea with explosive sensitivity , as a promising musician who rejects a career to become an oil-rigger ; a rebel who , like Nicholson himself , had the chance of taking a particular course in life which would have provided him with comfort and stability , but chose a different route to that which might have been expected of him .
2 Another friend has said that if he agrees to that he might never see them again .
3 To this one might add the comment that racism can compound the difficulties where Afro-Caribbean or Asian care assistants receive racist comments in their work from residents ( Norman , 1987b ) .
4 But if we do n't get a good response to this I might stick it in for the day in The Post .
5 To this it might be retorted that no-one linguistically advanced enough to look up a word in a dictionary could possibly require a definition of the word home .
6 To this it might be objected that one learns the meaning of ‘ blue ’ through seeing blue things and being told they are blue ; learning the meaning of the word is a matter of attaching a word to the look of something ; the look is basic .
7 To this it might be replied that it is not simply the case that the evaporation/solar-flares analogy is not sufficiently strong an analogy to justify our using the term ‘ afternoon ’ on the Sun ; it is no justification at all .
8 To another it might have seemed utter confusion , but Chen had been born here .
9 To these we might add a final point , For the consummation of the Kingdom will be more compelling than the Church .
10 To these I might add my own observations on working with groups :
11 But the violent character of the BUF and its unashamed adoption of foreign symbols made it unattractive to many who might otherwise have agreed with some of its policies , and made it doubly obnoxious to the Left .
12 Although there has been some improvement , comprehensive preparation for an adult life , which includes employment , is not readily available to all who might need it .
13 Is it fair to pupils in allowing equality of opportunity to all who might benefit from what is offered ?
14 As with any new development , it is very important that full and accurate information on the new framework is made available to all who might be affected .
15 Other seem to be trying to assuage a guilt known only to themselves , and a few are out to keep Ali a player , a lure to those who might want to use his name in business ; though the marketplace turns away from billboards in decline .
16 In the Garden , Miller had to give time to those who might call seeking particular plants or information on their culture .
17 Suffice it to conclude that there is overwhelming evidence that the external information delivered to those who might use it as an aid to their strategic decision making will tend actually to be used to the extent that it matches the detailed task being undertaken and its context .
18 In answer to those who might claim that the perverse approach to this particular movement illustrates that the conductor had lost his grip on the orchestra by the time of this recording , I can only say that the playing of the New Philharmonia is magnificent .
19 Of course when one thought about it rationally it was obvious there was bound to be an investigation of some kind , but throughout the long flight she had been too concerned with the purely personal implications of the news item to give a thought to those who might have a financial interest in the story .
20 He says modestly that he ‘ got into rather an idle way ’ , but Wordsworth 's way of ‘ idling ’ offers little comfort to those who might consider him as a precedent for their own incapacity .
21 To these things , we might also add the inappropriateness of , and deterioration of standards in , school buildings — the inconvenience of stairs and galleries for those wishing to use overhead projectors and other cumbersome audio-visual aids ; the unsuitability of compartmentalized classrooms for team-teaching , resource-based learning etc. ; and the general discouragement that dilapidated walls and leaking roofs present to those who might otherwise take pride in improving the display and all-round aesthetic environment of their classrooms .
22 For such people the office of collector of the cess was eminently attractive , and for that reason the strongest solicitations were made to those who might assist in securing the place .
23 Beneath them , in France , there existed an ordered and fairly hierarchical structure which saw to the day-to-day defence of the country , from those with wide territorial jurisdictions to those who might be sent to a particular area , town or castle to organise its defence in time of crisis .
24 Speakers also justify themselves to those who might be perceived as being similar to the self .
25 I really should include one player who has actually produced the goods in the one-day arena , as opposed to those who might have done , given the opportunity .
26 The insurance will be of special interest to those who might otherwise be unable to get insurance because their cruising ground , manning , or the boat itself might prevent it .
27 Similar assistance is given to those who might become involved with Immigration Appeal Tribunals by U.K.I.A.S. , who receive Government money for the purpose .
28 No question now , married or not , had it been apparent to those who might gossip about it , that she was alone .
29 The absence of such a scheme was said to be a disincentive to those who might otherwise be encouraged to exercise their inventive talents to the full .
30 They must take reasonable steps to ensure that this information is available to those who might benefit ( Sched 2 , para 1 ) .
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