Example sentences of "in our [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 In a God-less world , the likes of Attenborough and Bellamy are magicians or missionaries , conjuring up in our hearts the conviction that , yes , God must have created kangaroos .
2 In our country the cost of a conventional cholecystectomy is estimated at US$2400 ( £1400 ) , the inability to work not taken into consideration .
3 When we complained , we had quite a battle with the manager of the firm , but we argued that the fridge was not in use all the time , and if it had been in our home the fault may have occurred earlier .
4 In our day the argument is more frequently encountered that ‘ the wreck of human affairs ’ disproves the existence of an all-merciful and all-powerful God .
5 It is unhistorical to assume that children in the last century responded to death in the same way as children today ; children 's attitudes are largely conditioned by those of adults , and in our day the usual adult attitude is to evade the subject of death , to treat it as ‘ morbid ’ and , so far as possible , to exclude it from the home .
6 He came to see me in our hotel the night before we came to this country , and …
7 Plants consume carbon dioxide , releasing the oxygen that we other species require , completing in our turn the full circle by ‘ burning ’ carbon and breathing out carbon dioxide .
8 In our patient the diagnosis was delayed by eight hours , with a fatal outcome .
9 It may aid in monitoring therapy ; in our patient the institution of warfarin therapy was followed by a striking reduction in the frequency of emboli .
10 In our experience the latter — which mimics ‘ natural ’ psychosis rather well — produces a range of reactions that closely parallels those found in schizophrenia and affective disorder , subjects ' reactions being highly predictable from a knowledge of their underlying personality .
11 However , in our experience the matter is less clear-cut and what is right for some is not the solution for others .
12 In our experience the technique used for tissue disruption and DNA extraction is critical to the success of subsequent DNA amplification .
13 In our experience the Chief Constable is independent and subject to the law .
14 At one period in our history the Whig party was alleged to consist of ‘ place men ’ , i.e. politicians willing to forsake any principle in order to secure a ‘ place ’ or Government appointment .
15 In our experiments the nucleation time was considerably less prolonged ( Fig 5 ) .
16 In our experiments the secretory effect of cholera toxin began in the second hour after administration of the toxin .
17 Nevertheless , if in our experiments the effects of indomethacin were mediated by an increased production of leukotrienes , one would have expected that indomethacin reversed the beneficial effect of the linoleic diet but not that of the eicosapentaenoic acid diet , or at least not to the same extent , since the lipoxygenase products derived from eicosapentaenoic acid are weaker proinflammatory mediators than products derived from arachidonic acid metabolism .
18 Help us to understand and appreciate more deeply all that the resurrection of our Saviour means , and may we show in our lives the joy which belief in Jesus ' promise means ; help us to live so that we draw others to meet Jesus for themselves .
19 Page 235 states : ’ In our surveys the British samples reported the greater number of vocational learning experiences .
20 Journalist Victor Guzev , who travels with CSKA , said : ‘ In our society the players are considered to be wealthy and able to afford most things in life .
21 But in our society the self-denial of which we speak has a moral dimension which is not strongly recognised in all civilisations .
22 In so far as any one institution is responsible for this basic stage of child socialization — literally , making social — then that institution is more often than not in our society the nuclear family .
23 For many people in our society the bible is a book like no other book .
24 In our society the judges have in some aspects of their work a discretionary power to do justice so wide that they may be regarded as law-makers .
25 Our roads were clean and unpolluted , and in our cities the air was not polluted with gases from a million exhaust-pipes .
26 In our philosophy the purpose of the life of the individual is not to be the servant of the state and its objectives but to make the best of his talents and qualities .
27 But it is to be noticed that in our problem the telegraphing business was started not by B but by A. B may have sent his counter-offer by telegram simply out of politeness , and not because he was in any hurry .
28 In our problem the men whom the defendant presumably sends to death are themselves dragging the leader to what will otherwise be his death .
29 We 'll bring you back a spider — we found one in our bed the size of an LP !
30 What is more important than gender is the personality and skill of the fieldworker in overcoming the feelings of suspicion the police have of all outsiders , especially in the more enclosed and threatened world of the RUC , and in our case the field-worker 's gender seemed no bar to her obtaining access to the masculine ‘ canteen culture ’ of the men or to participating in conversations on the topics which are popular in that culture , which van Maanen describes as ‘ sports , cars and sex ’ ( 1981 : 476 ) .
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