Example sentences of "in some [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 O. coriacea superficially resembles Ophiotrema alberti from which it differs by the lack of distinct spinelets on the disk ; the shape of the adoral shields which are straight and do not have an indented proximal edge while those of Ophiotrema alberti are more wing-like and indented over the second oral tentacle pore ; the shape of the oral shields which are arrow shaped not round and almost hemispherical as in some specimens of Ophiotrema and by the absence of tentacle scales in Ophiotoma .
2 A. abyssorum differs from A. otteri in the arm spine number , the lack of any terminal hook to these spines and a lack of tentacle scales on the tentacle pore , although in some specimens of A. otteri tentacle scales may be insignificant or absent from many pores .
3 In some members of the family , it goes even further and coils around the right eye-socket .
4 Thus , we suggest that our results provide strong evidence for a common source of infection with H pylori in some members of three of the four families studied .
5 The results are preserved in some notes for a course of undergraduate lectures on Sophocles ' Oedipus Rex and an essay called " The Dionysiac Philosophy " , in both of which Greek tragedy is the primary object of attention .
6 At the time of writing I am involved , as I mentioned , in some surveys of visitors to the British Museum and I am hoping that we shall be able to get some schools who had had organized visits to the museum , to obtain essays about the visit from the children involved .
7 the searcher may be the end user , possibly approaching the search in some ignorance of his real requirements or of the literature that might be available to meet those requirements .
8 Soon after Hamilton 's battle-scarred book came out , moreover , in the spring of 1988 , there appeared in Britain a kind of memoir entitled The Facts-A Novelist 's Autobiography in which the issue was addressed in some passages of exceptional interest — the gaze and forehead of Olympian Zeus after the outcries and the special and professional pleading which had surrounded all but one of these other events .
9 In Yip Kai-foon the Privy Council rejected the solution which has been adopted in some jurisdictions of directing the jury to convict of the offence which they consider to be more probable .
10 The oceans cushion , too , against extremes of temperature , which on land range globally from -126°C ( recorded in Antarctica ) to +58°C ( one day in Libya ) ; and may vary between day and night in some deserts from little above 0°C , to more than 40 .
11 They may be categorised as Marxist , like Althusser 's , as structuralist ( in some senses of the term ) , as functionalist , and so on .
12 They worked up petitions to parliament while engaging in some correspondence with each other .
13 Its great success was the prediction of a small displacement , the Lamb shift , in some lines in the spectrum of atomic hydrogen .
14 I am sure that Opposition Members will be delighted to hear me speak about the free market because they were in some doubt about whether it would be possible for Conservative Members to mention that .
15 ‘ And , to be fair to the boy , I possibly confused him , since when he very properly inquired as to whether or not I was a patient , I had to admit myself in some doubt on the point . ’
16 Swedish international Limpar 's future is in some doubt at Highbury .
17 So , under a surface appearance of Mannaia victory ( ‘ We have eaten everything ’ , a shaikh 's son commented ) were signs of a more conciliatory spirit , perhaps reflecting Zuwaya awareness that they ought not to fight among themselves : a solidarity only partly abstract or ethical , related in some degree to the unity they had achieved against the menaced Tibbu-ownership of their land .
18 He answered in some degree to his friend 's description of him , but was more gaunt and Don Quixote-like .
19 If the harmonization process is to have any hope of acceleration it is essential for law schools to reduce their preoccupation with national law and their assumption of its superiority over other legal systems and to revert at least in some degree to the internationalism of medieval law teaching .
20 Clearly , this will be related in some degree to the increase in the number of people owning and driving cars which was reported in the first Plan .
21 The pressures of a full-time job , and the lack of availability of research facilities such as libraries , computers , personal contacts with academics , as described above , inevitably result in some degree of non-publication of thesis research .
22 The pressures of a full-time job , and the lack of availability of research facilities such as libraries , computers , personal contacts with academics , as described above , inevitably result in some degree of non-publication of thesis research .
23 An inability to mature adequately out of the phallic , Oedipal phase will usually not only result in some degree of genital inhibition later in life and a fixation on infantile sexual gratifications such as masturbation , voyeurism , sado-masochism , etc. , but also reduce the force of the cultural prohibitions which the original phallic-Oedipal trauma of our forefathers precipitated , namely those against parricide and incest .
24 It was in some degree of difficulty in 1793 , 1796 – 7 , 1800 – 1 , 1808 , and 1811 – 12 .
25 In India , army officers in the Company 's service were advanced by time promotion , mitigated in some degree by considerations of evident merit , and commissions were not openly bought and sold as they were in the British army .
26 Goody himself in a later essay points out that ‘ at least during the last 2,000 years the vast majority of peoples of the world ( most of Eurasia and much of Africa ) have lived in neither kind of situation , but in cultures which were influenced in some degree by the circulation of the written word , by the presence of groups or individuals who could read or write ’ ( 1968 , p. 4 ) .
27 Even in areas outside this great span — in Australia for example , the South Pacific or Amerindia — the main detailed knowledge that we have of these cultures is — almost by definition — in neither kind of situation , but in cultures which were influenced in some degree by the circulation of the written word , by the presence of groups or individuals who could read or write .
28 It could be argued that the Soviet Union has offset the lack of pro-Soviet military blocs or coalitions in the Third World in some degree by the creation of a mutual strategic support system based on a network of bilateral treaties of friendship ( see later in this chapter ) .
29 A man is not punishable for a serious crime committed by another unless he has actually instigated the commission of a crime , and then he will be punishable though the crime committed may differ in some degree from that which he instigated .
30 Dietary fibre differs in some degree from plant to plant .
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