Example sentences of "in her [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 This is the fear that haunts President Aquino in her final days in Malacanang Palace before presidential elections on May 11 .
2 SO TRAGIC : In her final days
3 Bumbler the man might be , but his unaffected tenderness reminded Agnew of the care he had lavished on his own wife in her dying days .
4 Chesarynth felt conspicuous ; people around were staring at them , but it was the first time in her weary day 's travel that she had seen a box and it called to the echoes of firesong that the one on the Moon had left in her mind .
5 In a 3000m race at Stellenbosch in February , the new-look Zola , now markedly more adult in build than in her ill-fated days as a British international , won with a world-class 8:42.26 — a time which would have ranked her third in the the world in 1990 .
6 She did n't seem to be as strong as in her young days , and the socks stopped her catching him with her toenails .
7 She had seen in her young days the island women carry brass bottomless bowls on their heads to support the old churns in which they delivered milk .
8 The last Gittel in her maiden days .
9 What struck me about Winnie , even in her junior days , was not just her determination to succeed in everything she tackled — but also to derive the greatest enjoyment as she did so .
10 One of the ‘ Blue Chips ’ , regarded in her early days as little better than an Edward Heath Youth Movement , the new Secretary of State for the Environment is now her green-eyed boy .
11 In her early days , looking for something that would make her consultancy just that little bit different , she chose to have an all-women agency .
12 He thought that McAllister had been oddly subdued on the walk home , and had surreptitiously admired her face — even more beautiful , he thought , when pensive , even though in her early days at Vetch Street it had been her animation which he had admired .
13 The raillery with which he had spoken to her in her early days at Vetch Street had changed its nature .
14 She would send them examples of her work and , in her early days , a free photograph as an inducement to accept her invitation ’ the exhibition booklet explains .
15 In her early days as a singer she had encountered those who had wrongly assumed she was nothing more than a beautiful but empty-headed blonde .
16 Indeed it was probably Queen Victoria herself who taught the Danish Princess the British fingerspelling method , as the Queen had become fluent in her younger days .
17 It is difficult to imagine what Flaubert would have thought of Sand in her younger days , as the headstrong lover of Musset and Chopin .
18 At 70 , Nancy is now less stable on her feet than in her younger days , and find standing at the canvas while demonstrating , quite a strain .
19 In her younger days Elizabeth was a passionate girl .
20 ‘ She spent a lot of time in her younger days in Aberystwyth .
21 Well she was in her younger days but after she married Aye after I was born I ca n't mind her being away .
22 She was now 15lb ( 7kg ) heavier than she had been in her single days ; she felt tired and run down , and suffered with migraines , abdominal bloating and increasing premenstrual symptoms including irritability , nervous tension , depression , tearfulness , confusion , weight gain , sore breasts and insomnia .
23 Certainly there is little coherence in her timetabled day : indeed perversely its very staccato pattern is a feature Susie quite enjoys .
24 In her last days Edith Cresson tried to rally ‘ progressive forces ’ to the government 's cause .
25 Had n't it happened to her , in her own day ?
26 Dorothy Eden , one of the best and most successful writers of romantic suspense novels , used in her earlier days to start her whole book from a name she had chosen , or that had perhaps chosen her by striking a note from the wind-harp in her mind — Seraphine , Blandina , Hariot .
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