Example sentences of "in what [vb -s] to " in BNC.

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1 The Act is seen as a step towards the Government 's policy to reform and simplify the property market , although it will add to the burden of estate agents as they strive to survive in what continues to be a testing market .
2 In what continues to be the leading case of Chas .
3 I would therefore like to finish by thanking you all most sincerely for helping us to write a further chapter in what continues to be a major UK success story .
4 29 Growing Noble Metals through Total Quality a look at how Noble Metals in Royston is growing in what continues to be a depressed marketplace
5 In this article we take a look at how a commitment to Total Quality Management is helping Noble Metals at Royston to grow in what continues to be a depressed marketplace …
6 Can I therefore finish by thanking all our employees , worldwide , most sincerely for helping us write a further chapter in what continues to be a major UK success story .
7 However , there are a further two weeks in Turkey yet , time to visit the Blue Mosque in Istanbul , haggle for genuine Turkish carpets in the Grand Bazaar and take part in what promises to be an emotional but fascinating tour of the Gallipoli Battlefields .
8 They may , indeed , deliver another painful lesson in what promises to be a fascinating derby match but Alex Ferguson 's team go into that encounter with pressure eased in the knowledge that they can drop a minimum of six points on a seven-match run-in .
9 This problem of the sense of identity at national government ( i.e. United Kingdom ) level is one which will be felt more acutely in many countries in what promises to be a period of mass migration .
10 In what promises to be a fascinating collection of thirty-four essays , American and German scholars chart the emergence of New York and Berlin as parallel centres of artistic and technological innovation at the end of the nineteenth century in Berlin — New York : Unlike and Unlike : Essays on Art and Architecture from 1870 to the Present edited by Josef Paul Kelihues ( £60 ) .
11 But this coupling of two of the greatest works from Haydn 's second London visit is the first in what promises to be a series of recordings of the late symphonies .
12 What Protschka and his excellent pianist Deutsch ( who gauges his tone ideally every time ) reveal in what promises to be an intégrale is the gulf between agreeably homely songs based on lesser versifiers and folk sources ( with one that occasionally stands out , like Es ist ein Schnitter , der heisst Tod ) and those where a poem has caught Mendelssohn 's imagination and he ceases to put his melodic shape first .
13 Over 500 panners from all over the world are due to take part in what promises to be a most memorable event .
14 This is the first occasion that Harlow College Choir has combined forces with the Nelson Orchestra in what promises to be a most varied and enjoyable programme .
15 They meet at McDiarmid Park in what promises to be a most enthralling encounter .
16 It is completely irrelevant to quote the decommissioning costs associated with Ministry of Defence activities in what purports to be an article about civil nuclear power .
17 Graves ( 1983 ) , in what purports to be a major study of the conference-drafting approach , fails to show the process at work .
18 In what purports to be his will ( 9 May 1313 ) , which is singular in style , Schorne spoke of old age and rendered to God what was God 's ( his soul ) , to the earth what was the earth 's ( his body , in a tomb he had designated before the high altar of North Marston ) , and his goods to be divided between intercessors and the poor , for the welfare of his soul .
19 THE planning system is designed around the idea that people should have a say in what happens to their immediate surroundings .
20 The reason may lie in what happens to the teachers themselves when they first encounter it , rather than in the use they make of it directly with children over a long period .
21 Relatives and sufferers should feel that they are in control or , at least , have a powerful voice in what happens to the individual .
22 I am sure the Barons of the Exchequer would be interested in the profits to be made in the king 's prison , and in what happens to money entrusted to you . ’
23 It 's as if Tom Robinson ( the negro ) has no say in what happens to him and a white woman has the right to push him around and refer to him as nigger , overpowering him in all senses of the matter .
24 it 's your own body and you have got some say in what happens to it , or what does n't happen to it .
25 Pupils have long had the guarantee of a careers service , the promise of a YT place is familiar , and the colleges rarely turn applicants away on any ground except actual lack of room or staff , but the reminder to the young person of their rights is important , as is the willingness of large numbers of companies to take part in what amounts to a joint recruitment exercise .
26 Structure helps the viewers relate to what is going on ; without it , they are lost in what amounts to a succession of unrelated snap-shots .
27 In what amounts to a test case , the Aga is seeking a review of the Jockey Club 's decision to disqualify Aliysa .
28 The Madeiran does , however , excel at parking his car in what looks to be an impossible place .
29 THE new South African administration of President F.W. de Klerk is holding talks across a wide spectrum of political opinion in what appears to be a fresh effort towards constitutional reform .
30 Frighten or surprise one and it will stiffen and keel over in what appears to be a dead faint .
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