Example sentences of "in an [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The talks between Electronic Data Systems Corp and British Telecommunications Plc about a possible alliance have cooled , the Wall Street Journal believes : rather surprisingly , the paper says that British Telecom had been considering buying 25% of General Motors Corp 's Class E shares , which simply pay dividends tied to the computer services subsidiary 's performance ; it had been assumed that British Telecom would not be interested in holding a significant minority interest in an automaker just to cement an alliance with one of its subsidiaries .
2 A man severely brain damaged in an operation more than twenty-five years ago , has lost his fight for compensation .
3 At mating , in an operation never exactly described , the sexes are said to bring their genital openings into opposition and release their gametes .
4 The girl 's face came alive , eyes sparkling , hands raised to her parted lips in an expression halfway between exultation and tears of joy , before she began to clap furiously .
5 If it is in an issue less than two years old , we 'll probably send you the whole issue as a back number .
6 He 's in an outpost up on Evelyn Street , and he 's seen the Sierra burning by .
7 During a near-faultless flight by the shuttle itself , a rocket failure left a $100 million tracking and data relay satellite ( TDRS ) tumbling in an orbit far short of its proper position , 36 000 kilometres above Brazil .
8 If we conduct an interventive experiment , and inject a drug which results in an animal not performing some task on which it has been trained ‘ correctly ’ ( I wo n't bother putting that word into inverted commas henceforward ; I have already spelled out that what we read as correct in an animal 's behaviour is interpreted by our criteria , not necessarily by its own ) , how can we be sure that what has been blocked or disturbed is the memory rather than the motor or sensory activity on which its expression depends ?
9 The blockage is usually caused by a blood clot forming in an artery already narrowed by fatty atheroma .
10 Nearly 21 per cent of Britons — 11,931,000 — are over 60 in an EC where numbers of elderly are soaring as life expectancy increases .
11 By the shortest sea route probably , because the prospect of flying in an aeroplane rather daunts me .
12 I assumed whole group drama had to be about football hooligans on their way to a match or passengers in an aeroplane about to crash ; that there might be shades of difference , but that basically everybody would be doing the same thing at the same time .
13 Living in an apartment again , with a proper bathroom , the sounds of street life , good food and a glimmer of daylight round the shutters , felt wonderful .
14 Whilst working , I stayed in an apartment only 20 minutes ‘ walk from Times Square .
15 In January this year those photos of Wyatt with Fergie and her children were conveniently found in an apartment once rented by the Texan and ended up with a newspaper .
16 And again , the Record Office is something that lay folk can just come in an look up books and ask questions if they wish to ?
17 Taylor long ago argued that the advantages emerged over several years of contact and that in an emergency most experienced doctors could successfully manage their patient 's problem .
18 Franks devised the ingenious formula that the use of the air bases in an emergency naturally remained " a matter for joint decision in the light of the circumstances at the time " .
19 So they , they , you see , that that that is in in an instant where it would have been enormously beneficial to have something to prevent the cold ,
20 Some types of marine which do not survive well in an aquarium ie some Butterflies
21 Agatha Christie recounts in An Autobiography how , when she was on the point of creating Poirot , she toyed for just a little with the notion of a schoolboy detective .
22 In particular , he fails to comment on the fact that eighty-five per cent of the seven-year-olds passed item ( 1 ) — a fact which suggests that even younger children might have been capable of passing this item , especially if it had been presented in an oral rather than a written form .
23 Now watch this cos it 's er , fairly takes your head , ears off , get it in an angle away from ya up here , that 'll do ya
24 A GARAGE owner was turned into a human fireball in an explosion yesterday .
25 Mrs Wilson sat in an armchair opposite .
26 When he emerged , Karen was sitting in an armchair opposite , clearly amused .
27 Meredith-Lee waved them to a comfortable sofa and sat down in an armchair opposite .
28 He was sprawled in an armchair opposite and the expression on his face clearly told her that he knew exactly what she and Jennifer had been discussing .
29 Ah , Gregory — ’ She received him grandly , seated in an armchair specially moved into the bedroom .
30 She was then put in an armchair only to be told a few minutes later that her operation had been cancelled because the hospital was ‘ short staffed ’ .
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