Example sentences of "in which [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And it 's not just in this country that memories of a Britain in which everyone wore a vest , ate toasted crumpets for tea and never went out without a hat that these programmes are appreciated .
2 This is a collective ritual in which everyone plays a part .
3 To promote the learner as subject , Freire proposes a dialogue approach in which everyone participates as co-learners to understand and create a jointly constructed reality .
4 It is a light , fluffy effort in which everyone says exactly what 's on their minds at all times .
5 You may think you are a good enough driver to go over the speed limit , but you may also realise that a world in which everyone drove very fast might be a little on the dangerous side .
6 Taken as a whole , the 1950s can be seen as a decade in which everyone had to work very hard just to keep the District on an even keel : it reflects great credit on all concerned that , in statistical terms , the decline of the early fifties was halted so that ultimately an expansionist phase could begin .
7 Of even greater consequence , the participation of adolescents in society was of special interest in the latter part of the War when ‘ reconstruction ’ promised both efficiency and a liberal , social democracy in which everyone had a part to play .
8 I thought that Basil appreciated more than most the essential magic of the child 's experience of the world and the expression of this in art — not that he ever said this , but his own manner as a teacher always implied that this was a special , essentially elevated kind of activity — but one in which everyone had the capacity to join .
9 A study in 1971 found that of 132 political states only 12 were true nation-states in which everyone had the same native tongue .
10 The man with the concertina , whom Ruth had noticed on the day they sailed from Liverpool , struck up a tune ; only this time it was not a dance , but a hymn of thanksgiving and praise , in which everyone joined .
11 We 've gone from a more-or-less carefree kind of life of our twenties , in which the car , the flat and the girlfriend/ boyfriend were about the only real constituents — to a world in which everyone wants a piece of our time , in which we have to make decisions ( fundamental , trivial , pregnant with import ) every three minutes .
12 Its vision for society is that of a reconstituted pre-industrial kind of community in which everyone knows who they are , what is expected of them and the kind of values by which they are to live .
13 For Assiter , fantasy is not just a harmless and essentially solitary activity in which everyone engages to a greater or lesser extent , but is something which also has an effect on the way people behave towards others , and on the way they may feel they can justifiably treat each other , particularly women .
14 To fail in marriage nowadays is to go bankrupt in a business of life in which everyone engages and in which the large majority at least appear to be successful .
15 Katie Mitchell 's revival sets this strictly moral tale of wrongdoing in a very Christian context in which everyone behaves with an irritating and folksy religiosity .
16 True art and architecture collaboration is a process in which everyone has to define his own limits .
17 Protagoras ' reply to this is to contend that political wisdom is not a matter of specialized knowledge , but something in which everyone has a share , and in which it is necessary that everyone has a share , " Otherwise the state could not exist " .
18 It is possible for us to image a society of saints in which no one committed what we see as crimes , in which everyone behaved in an impeccable manner .
19 After a witnessing session in which everyone opened their hearts and emerged exalted we walked out into the night and began to neck .
20 And belonging together , preferably in groupings with visible badges of membership and recognition signs , is more important than ever in societies in which everything combines to destroy what binds human beings together into communities .
21 I cycled to school one morning through streets littered with glass , and past a little Nonconformist chapel , in which everything had been destroyed except the far wall with its multi-coloured and scrolled message ‘ God is Love ’ .
22 Systematic gradation reduces the difficulties of language learning by distributing the extensive material of a language into steps arranged in prepared texts in which everything progresses in an orderly , and not erratic , sequence .
23 It was a fearful rage , in which everything became abruptly mixed , the aversions and angers of twelve years .
24 If one thinks dialectically , so Hegel believed , it was possible , for the it was possible , he had done it , it 's set out in the Encyclopedia , his Encyclopedia , to see the whole system of reality as one articulated , logical system in which everything has its orderly and appointed place .
25 I thought about Adam and held a conversation with him in which everything turned out differently .
26 Order effects was the least common of the main content areas as the order in which the adjectives were mentioned seemed unlikely to affect the way in which somebody judged the merits of a person .
27 Celsus is concerned with a case in which somebody has promised that he will ensure no loss is incurred by another person .
28 On the stable block , in which nothing had ever been stabled in Adam 's memory , was a little tower with a running fox weathervane on it and below the small pitched roof a blue clock with hands of gold .
29 Unfortunately you now appear to be experiencing a rather peculiar phase in which nothing seems to go according to plan and all you can do is bide your time and wait for others to come to their senses .
30 The two major organs of the United Nations are a general assembly in which everybody sits and a security council , yes he 's looking very pleased with himself
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