Example sentences of "in this way [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is only because you want to pry , to discover who writes to me , that you come out in this way every morning .
2 In this way every general practitioner could shape and contribute to the future research and development of primary care .
3 In this way a mostly desperate body of art , which had at first shocked the American public , was transformed by speeches , articles and the context in which it was displayed , into an ideological weapon for the defence of Individualism and the right to express oneself .
4 In families that did not indulge themselves in this way a healthier climate prevailed ; children do not seem to have been unduly obsessed with death .
5 In this way a vicious circle is set up .
6 In this way a knowledge of the patterning of events makes possible ‘ a mutual understanding of individuals and the impulses of aid to mate or young are thereby transformed into sympathetic actions ’ .
7 In this way a genuine , inward understanding of that work is obtained by the shadow , which could not be obtained by a simple briefing or organized visit .
8 In this way a whole host of potential ‘ personnel ’ problems such as lack of motivation/commitment and grievances are prevented , rather than being fuelled by a ‘ closing down ’ of the decision-making process .
9 In this way a carcass can draw vultures from far away in a short time .
10 In this way a regular income flow can be secured .
11 In this way a great volume of information has been accumulated on the two to three thousand remedies in the homoeopathic materia medica .
12 In this way a defence that the property was already damaged and that the defendant is not responsible for the present damage can be countered .
13 In this way a crack is really a mechanism which enables a weak external force to break even the strongest bonds one by one .
14 In approaching family work in this way a social worker may want to arrange for a multidisciplinary assessment , calling on advice from the health care team .
15 In this way a student model containing a profile of attainment together with a history of progress to date can be made available to the trainer and to the trainee .
16 Zionism , too , was thus in this way a challenge to the assumptions of liberal culture .
17 It is in this way a world view , of which psychoanalysis forms an important part .
18 In this way a deeper understanding should result .
19 In this way a good freelance list can be gradually built up .
20 But , in contrast , they may partly see the ad in this way a number of times during quite a short period .
21 Physics , particularly since the work of Bacon and Descartes , has generally been thought of as an objective science , based on observable facts , in this way a body of certain knowledge is gradually built up .
22 Lit in this way a room is a simulacrum of a dream world .
23 In this way a ‘ false consciousness ’ of reality is produced which helps to maintain the system .
24 In this way a social contrivance appears to be founded on the natural order of things .
25 Understood in this way a duty to serve the interests of the enterprise can sensibly only mean a duty to further the commercial success of the business .
26 In this way a precise sampling of the vegetation could be obtained , and , by setting up quadrats over a wide area , a systematic assessment of distribution could be worked out .
27 In this way a risk index was formed showing whether the division was relatively more or less risky than the corporate group as a whole , and the group CAPM-based yield was modified on a divisional basis .
28 In this way a pattern mask limits the time for which a target letter is represented in the system , and if the time limitation is severe enough to prevent the target 's code from reaching a lexical output system , then the subject will fail to report the target , even though the target was identified in the sense that its detector in the lexical input system was activated .
29 In this way a good horizontal flow is far more certain than if one were constantly preoccupied with assessing the vertical results of each note combination , as was the case in the ‘ contradicting note ’ method .
30 In this way a company will find risk assessment a positive tool for demonstrating efficiency and control ’ .
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