Example sentences of "in the [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Store manager David Waring commented : ‘ With EuroDisney opening at the weekend it was nice that some of the local children could share in the fun here in Bordon . ’
2 This was never more humiliating than in the category Most Fanciable Male .
3 Where the rugs of a particular group fall into more than one price category , they have been included in the category most closely associated with their rugs ; their percentage costs in relation to the yardstick items indicate the range of qualities .
4 It seemed that everything in the championship really hung on the reliability of each driver 's car .
5 Manager McGrath has watched as both Cavan and Fermanagh have been caught napping in the championship so far and does not want a similar fate to befall his side .
6 She got injured in her back somewhere , but er it was national news , I mean it was in The Mirror and all the papers and it became a , for a day or two it was er it was in everywhere , and the theory is that er it was this erm very very dry summer and a very very wet autumn and a bit of dry rot in the timbers somewhere , but it was it was another
7 Follow through : Phelam O'Neill practices his swing as he waits to tee-off in the Coca-Cola Pro-Am Golf tournament held at the City of Derry Golf Club
8 They had spent the time wandering round the Reserve , watching the widgeon ducks and other wildfowl paddling in the lagoon close to the sea .
9 Rome had at this time little interest in the lands beyond , which lay mainly in the highland zone and were inhabited by the earlier and less civilized peoples .
10 In fact there is no reason to believe that the Franks were involved in any long-distance migration : archaeology and history suggest that they originated in the lands immediately to the east of the Rhine .
11 The match looked fairly even , but it tilted sharply towards England in the half-hour before stumps .
12 More than 1,500 officers have been put on standby in the capital tonight to deal with any alert .
13 Workers had rallied enthusiastically to the Soviet , and soldiers in the capital also seemed to have more faith in it than in the Duma leaders .
14 Doubts have continually dogged the potential deal between the bank — set up in the capital over two years ago with £26 million of institutional backing as a building society acquisition operation — and the Heart of England with which it has been talking for almost two years .
15 PANAMA CITY — Troops loyal to the Panamanian military leader , General Manuel Noriega , put down a coup attempt by junior officers in the capital yesterday after a day of heavy fighting , a spokesman for the Panama Defence Forces said .
16 There was more gun violence in the capital yesterday , a man apparently involved in drugs shot dead at Shepherd 's Bush .
17 Nevertheless , there have been several incidents in the capital recently .
18 The accelerators wo n't go on to Sun 's price lists and there is no money changing hands in the relationship apart from some joint marketing and advertising of which Sun will bear the brunt .
19 Then the anger builds up , the quarrels intensify and what little charm there was in the relationship finally erodes .
20 By this point in the relationship almost any kiss , with the possible exception of a peck on the cheek , becomes a transmitter of sexual messages .
21 There was no ease in the relationship any more : he saw them as strangers .
22 I 've always made a point of borrowing money from women early in the relationship so as to give them a hold over me .
23 Matilda , watching closely , saw no signs of distress in the boy yet .
24 Of the forty-odd subheadings in the plan only two point explicitly towards drama , " Socratism in tragedy " ( under " aesthetics " ) and " The tragedians and the state " ( under " politics … " ) , although in the retrospective light of BT a considerable number of the others can be seen as bearing specifically on the tragic ethos : for instance , " music and poetry " , " Aristotle 's aesthetic " , " ecstatic art in Greece " , " Dionysus and Apollo " .
25 The other outside power was Athens , whose interest in the west allegedly began with Themistokles , who called one of his daughters Italia .
26 Sir Keith made plain his dislike of the financial mechanisms with which governments in the West habitually support industrial companies .
27 Tractor development is n't just going on in the west either .
28 Other subtle philosophical discussions concerned the contrast between the objective reality of the instant and the ideal nature of duration , because the latter is a mental construct , whereas the former is experienced ( the opposite of what we think in the West today ) .
29 Comparative anatomy , however , is an unfashionable science in the West today .
30 It is one of the greatest tragedies of the church in the west today that there is a similar grumbling and hardening of heart , so that the word of the Lord is simply not heard ; and if heard , then it is not obeyed .
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