Example sentences of "in their [noun pl] on " in BNC.

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1 It is much more substantial than the policies produced by the Government in their papers on overseas development .
2 They may not be significant — they may not even be there — but , if they are , the danger of overlooking them is not to be ignored in their effects on others also .
3 In their effects on relief positive movements are less spectacular than negative movements of base level , as the relative rise of the sea has the effect of hiding parts of the earth 's surface beneath the sea or beneath thicknesses of alluvium .
4 It will 1 ) examine more fully the extent to which primary schools vary in their effects on a variety of pupils ' educational outcomes , including progress in reading and maths ; 2 ) establish whether the composition of pupil intakes is related to effectiveness ; 3 ) find out whether school vary in their effectiveness from year to year and whether their effects on pupils persist into secondary school .
5 There is evidence , however , that the two operations do not differ in their effects on bowel function .
6 The early critical theorists ( Horkheimer , Adorno , Marcuse ) gave an insufficient philosophical basis on which to found the status of critical theory in their essays on aspects of critical theory ( the Zeitschrift essays ) .
7 There were no coins jingling in their pockets on that settling day !
8 A third Free Presbyterian minister said : ‘ Perhaps the main reason [ for leaving the Orange Order ] was that in 1969 I was saved by the grace of God and therefore felt that I could not sit and be associated with members of the Orange and Black while they consumed alcohol in their meetings on the 12th and 13th mornings each July . ’
9 Their objective was to lure Beatty to the scene so that they might trap and destroy some small portion of the British Fleet before retiring to sanctuary in their harbours on the German mainland .
10 In their discussions on the replacement system , have the Government talked to the German Government about the possibility of basing a new nuclear missile system in Germany ?
11 The researchers compared the attitudes of loyal Conservative or Labour Party voters in 1979 with Conservative defectors in their views on public spending on the welfare state ( education , social services and health ) and on law and order ( police and armed forces ) .
12 Scholars tend to form schools of thought , and it would be naive of the sociologist ( especially the academic sociologist ) to think that his history or English colleagues were blessedly free from personal bias in their views on people and their roles in the history of politics or the arts .
13 Although historians have differed somewhat less in their interpretations of the religious history of the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods than in their views on the turbulent years between 1530 and 1560 , there have , none the less , been a number of notable areas of dispute .
14 By 1948 , however , the CEB engineers had become unusually conservative , and this appeared both in their views on future load growth ( which they greatly under-estimated ) and in their unwillingness to develop beyond the inherited 132kV National Grid to meet the demands of the decades ahead .
15 Social liberals , like Booth and Rowntree , and Fabians , like Sydney and Beatrice Webb , may have differed in their views on the extent and the permanence of the provision of state welfare that they advocated , but shared an interest in what they saw as the factual demonstration of the extent of poverty which existed in what was still regarded as the major industrial and political power .
16 Differences between clinical medicine and public health in their views on quality assurance are also illustrated .
17 This seems particularly the case if we draw them closer together in their positions on determinism , along the lines suggested earlier .
18 The argument about the convergence of moderate determinism and moderate indeterminism in their positions on the predictability of criminal action , applies equally to their positions on manipulability .
19 And it was precisely the coherence of Russian Formalist theory that Tynyanov and Jakobson were still stressing in 1928 in their remarks on ‘ Problems of research in literature and language ’ .
20 … it is no part of the government 's intention to inhibit local libraries in their decisions on which books to stock .
21 She and Edward were sitting together in their Dorset drawing room , in their chairs on each side of the fireplace , where they always sat .
22 For a long time , I have been advocating a mortgage rescue scheme that would allow people to stay on in their properties on a short let tenancy .
23 He arranged the coins neatly in their denominations on top of the note , halfpennies and pennies at one corner , sixpences and shillings at another , two florins at a third , and a half-crown covering the last unanchored corner .
24 The establishment of relatively uniform statutory procedures is particularly important in view of the wide disparities between individual schools in their policies on the sanction of exclusion .
25 This degree of control was introduced because the government believed that some urban Labour councils were profligate in their policies on spending — policies that would undermine the viability of local businesses .
26 They had sent round a circular to all members asking them to mention John whenever possible in their reports on the Middle East ; they had helped organize a petition among all members and accompanied Chris and me when we delivered it to the Iranian Embassy and Downing Street to mark John 's six hundredth day in December .
27 MORRYS SCOTT , the 18-year-old whose two late goals stopped Gloucester 's talented side in their tracks on Saturday , last night scored the only goal of the replay to give Cardiff a third-round tie at home to Queen 's Park Rangers .
28 However , as Michael Sandusky has remarked , the United States and Russia were not too far apart in their ideas on the future of Korea in the spring and summer of 1945 .
29 He said , ‘ We started with a brainstorming session where all members of the Department threw in their ideas on the areas which needed written procedures .
30 The salesmen at one licensed dealer generally managed to persuade such clients to stay in their shares on grounds that the share price was perpetually due to move up , so they could avoid the losses they would incur through selling out at that moment .
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