Example sentences of "in [prep] [noun] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 You know that new place in opposite Lewis 's ?
2 Well surely it , it just means that in in Jim 's organization
3 It it was about ten to , five to eleven mm Bob said you know cos we went , me Ron Bob went in in Shirley 's car and er cos Dave and Tracy they come in their own car because Sarah was not feeling very well so they had .
4 They got no putting a bit of best clothes on and having a good time breaking in in people 's houses and one thing and another .
5 And therefore , the point I would make is that I disagree with the weighting or the the two ticks given to the A sixty four south in in Mr 's assessment .
6 Er and it looks as though it certainly in in Andy 's budget for this year
7 You marked it in in Linda 's book .
8 I think it 's neither in in Ryedale 's case .
9 The first time he went down there he set , set a had to take the waters out , you know , said you 've done it before ai n't you said yeah I did it in in para 's and the bloke said yeah , right he said erm well there 's not a lot I can teach you senior N C O's he said you might as well piss off down the pub , I 'll see you later
10 In 1973 , in what has become one of the most frequently quoted papers in the literature of memory research , Tim Bliss from the National Institute for Medical Research in London and Terje Lømo described how , working together in Per Andersen 's laboratory in Oslo , they had anaesthetized a rabbit , then exposed its hippocampus and the nerves leading to it .
11 She looked , however , as if she was fairly determined to give her views on the matter , but before she could start on the Why do they come over here if they do n't like it ? speech or her I believe in respecting people 's religious feelings but would die to defend their right to disagree with me speech , Maisie came round the door .
12 In my respectful opinion , this analysis of In re Leighton 's Conveyance is not justified by Luxmoore J. 's judgment .
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