Example sentences of "in [art] world [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Soon business began to look up , and the biggest barrow in the world even returned enough of a profit to allow Sal to buy a second-hand dress , Kitty a pair of shoes and Charlie a third-hand suit .
2 They did not need to rely upon chance chemical events in the world outside to create the organic molecules from which they themselves were constructed .
3 Certainly in principle , and also in fact , the gene reaches out through the individual body wall and manipulates objects in the world outside , some of them inanimate , some of them other living beings , some of them a long way away .
4 But as I said , I 've decided that human beings adjust themselves to any environment to which there is no alternative , and human life in here is the same as in the world outside , for which also there is no alternative .
5 The basic and rather crude blueprints fashioned in the earliest years are tried and tested against social realities , first at home and later in the world outside .
6 But Steven had a b-i-g problem , because he had spent his whole life in Never Never , a land not best known for its grasp of real life , and his idea of what went on in the world outside was limited to the hazy notions he had picked up … from the movies .
7 Rodrigo , the storm , the clear night sky , the overwhelming heat in the wheatfield , offer Maria 's jealousy dramatic correspondences in the world outside .
8 and the nurse enjoys her work , could have some value as a little stretch of human relationship , but all that really pertained to it as nursing would be futile , since the point of nursing is normally to return the patient to a healthy life in the world outside .
9 Moreover , it is also the father/husband 's role in modern industrial society to go ‘ out ’ to work in the world outside .
10 Items in the world outside can be a valuable resource .
11 Charity began at home , and , though there were larger claims on him in the world outside , what was the worth of his work there if he ignored and hurt those nearest to him ?
12 While the men are invigorated by the fight in the world outside , strengthened by coming face to face with the enemy , we women sit at home and darn . ’
13 Today 's report says the suicide rate among students is only slightly higher than young people the same age in the world outside .
14 DURING the months of March , April and May , while at Verdun the Germans were painfully inching forward towards the summits of Le Mort Homme and Côte 304 , in the world outside there was little enough the belligerents could find of positive comfort .
15 I have found that erm it seems basically to be a very pessimistic kind of fiction , more pessimistic than people have often given it credit for , largely because they tend to see , for example in Dashiell Hammett , who 's the author I 'm most interested in from this period , erm a precursor of a lot of heroes , private eyes , who were said to have a very kind of steely moral integrity , which they balance against a general corruption in the world outside , and it does seem to me that in fact with Hammett the detective mirrors the corruption of that world as much as he stands against it , so that it does seem to me rather pessimistic .
16 A lot has happened musically in the world since .
17 On the other hand , he wrote , if you do n't see this clearly at the start you only produce more crap and there 's enough in the world already .
18 It is strange how people like to read books like these two , as surely there is enough violence in the world already ?
19 Britain must be one of the only countries in the world where the club members manhandle the two-seater gliders all the way out to the launch point .
20 There can be few other places in the world where you can wash down a chopped herring sandwich with a glass of hot Vimto .
21 And this album continues that tradition , presenting a boggling variety of melody and pace , which , only once , on ‘ You Surround Me ’ , resorts to the awful ‘ Oxygene'-style bubbling rumble which passes for rhythm in the world where the programmer is king .
22 There are few places in the world where the costs are higher than southern California .
23 She said that had been his double and he 'd got away scot-free to come to live in the last country in the world where people would think of looking for him .
24 The West is one of the few places in the world where women still have to change their names upon getting married .
25 Despite couchettes , electrification , high-speed trains , restaurant cars , and the arrival of the car and aeroplane , there are still travellers for whom rail journeys hold a particular magic , and places in the world where a journey by rail is almost as adventurous as Gladys Aylward 's .
26 The South China Sea is considered by geologists the one reasonably accessible area in the world where a major new oil province could be found .
27 He said of holy relics : ‘ England is almost the only country in the world where there is not some favourite religious spot where absurd lies , little bits of cloth , feathers , splinters , rusty nails and other invaluable relics are treasured up and in defence of which the whole population are willing to turn out and perish as one man . ’
28 But the biggest drawback is that there are very few places left in the world where the malaria parasites ( species of Plasmodium ) have not developed resistance to them .
29 The popularity of the Kay curling stones spread to every place in the world where curling was played and established the firm as the leading manufacturer .
30 The second point of considerable interest is that this court case provided the first occasion anywhere in the world where a sign language interpreter was appointed by a court to assist in the questioning of , and providing answers from , a deaf person .
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