Example sentences of "in [adj] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 We have lived in a wonderful variety of houses , including one normally occupied by a pit deputy in South Yorkshire ; a leaking gothic horror of a Victorian rectory in deepest Sussex that was literally falling to pieces while administrative matters blocked efforts to replace it and our present one near Lewes built in 1934 in the days of live-in maids , recently modernised but still half as big again as any built these days and with a double-size garden .
2 But the Pisan ordeal had shocked Pound into recovering a compassion and tenderness which we look for mostly in vain in the Pound of the years preceding .
3 A young care-leaver 's chances of being made a housing priority vary from one in three in Scotland to one in four in a London borough or metropolitan authority , to only one in eight in the South of England .
4 May not Lenin have reacted in private in a way not so dissimilar from Stalin 's overt and more violent reaction to political opposition in Georgia in the same year ?
5 But sociologist Jean-Claude Kausmann has found out what they are doing with it in private in a major piece of research that takes the lid off the French marital laundry basket .
6 The case is likely to be heard soon in private in a judge 's chambers .
7 However , magistrates have a large amount of work relating to family matters which is heard in private in the Family Proceedings Court .
8 He was speaking in private in the chapter house of the abbey of St Paul's-without-the-walls .
9 Hahnemann was born in 1755 in the pottery town of Meissen on the River Elbe in the Electorate of Saxony .
10 Larry Burrows , who was killed in 1971 in a crash over Laos , offered an attractive contrast to McCullin and Page .
11 This was shown on French-speaking Belgian television in 1971 in the programme ‘ Signe des Temps ’ ( Sign of the Times ) .
12 In many ways it is typical of so many Corbetts — those hills that are below 3000ft yet are higher than 2500ft , in that in every way other than height they are aesthetically more satisfying than their higher neighbours .
13 N well I was I was erm I would have been called up in another two months after the War was over , if the War had continued I would have been eighteen in in that in the following January .
14 Lady Amory 's reaction to this was a mixture of sadness and the old excitement : ‘ We 're very fortunate in that in the near part of the wood garden we 've been able to grass over and you would n't realise the number of big trees that have come down .
15 And y am I right , am I right in saying that you 'd say that e even though it may exist in itself , that it may even be , in fact be less in the flats than it is in the , in the wi in that in the wider area ?
16 They differ in that in the case of prepayments the exact amount is known and has been paid although the services have yet to be received whereas in the case of an accrual the service has been received but has not been paid for and we have to estimate the amount due .
17 The event must to some extent match this vulnerability , in that in the context of the person 's past history , say , its interpretation poses a particularly marked threat .
18 The other end of the scale the erm Sun gets much of its editorial exclusives and material often running to five or six pages erm by covering the Royal Family erm in terms of language in that in the language used , the Sun erm tends to adopt a very simple writing style of one adjective erm sorry one verb and a number of adjectives with a couple of nouns , tends to be sentence went off around ten to twelve words and the design is also quite interesting because they like to sort of leave things out so you have a paragraph in normal type and then a paragraph in bold with big splodges next to it to highlight it .
19 just got ta put something in that in the coursework and the exams that sort of gets you over the forty percent barrier and in psychology it 's not that difficult to sort of waffle your way up to forty percent erm without wishing ma to make it sound too easy erm
20 Yes , it 'll be more stable in that in the car wo n't it ?
21 Can I can I , before we go to Mr Potter , erm may be my slightly naive mind here but I distinguish when you start talking about a strategic site approach to planning for and one of provision within North Yorkshire er as being different from an approach based on major exceptions in that in the sense that you would actually plan for the ability to cope with what my colleague calls the ointment coming over the horizon .
22 These 13 quartets were composed between 1770 and 1773 , or more precisely in 1770 in the case of the G major Quartet which is the earliest , and between 1772–3 for the others .
23 The results of this ‘ biochemical modulation ’ were reported in 1986 in a study of 100 patients — 59 of whom responded and 12 of whom had complete remissions .
24 After nearly thirty years , the first AC electric Co-Co locomotive arrived in 1986 in the shape of the prototype 5,850hp , 125mph Class 89 , built under contract by BREL Crewe with electrical gear by Brush Traction .
25 It was the same stadium that Melpomene , an unofficial woman entrant , stepped into in 1986 in the first Olympic marathon .
26 However , collaboration with Apple in 1986 in the publication of a daily newspaper for the athletes ' village at the Commonwealth Games , held that year in Edinburgh , resulted in the acquisition of several Apple Macintoshes and a laser printer .
27 In 1986 in the United Kingdom , there was one marriage every 80 seconds , and a divorce once every 175 seconds !
28 Diana de Moutis , entrusted with the sale of ‘ La Celestine ’ by its owner Georges Pellequer , contacted Didier Imbert in 1986 in the hope he could help her obtain an export licence .
29 The Bank has only once been sued for regulatory failure , after it rescued Johnson Matthey Bankers ; the case was settled out of court in 1986 in the Bank 's favour .
30 In February the Interior Minister , Col. Djibril Ould Abdullah , who had generally been considered to be second in the political hierarchy and had been involved in 1986 in the vigorous suppression of unrest among black Mauritanians , was dismissed and replaced by Col. Mohammed Sidina Ould Sidya , a southerner [ see p. 37239 ] .
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